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Patience my behind! I don't have time for this!" businessman, Mr Vora Castles snapped at the receptionist, Ms Catherine Samosas.

"Sir, would you kindly take a sit, Mr Richard Collins is on his way. Would you like anything to drink to refresh yourself", Catherine was trying to keep Mr Castles temper under control.

"Refreshments! Don't test me young lady! Your boss is fucken late, your service is no staler than your average junkie, there's a long queue here that barely moves. The air is heavy, can you open up the windows! What the hell is wrong with you people?" Mr Castles kept on speaking out of proportion and was starting to piss off Catherine.

The minute she heard the phrase "you people", she wished she had a butcher's knife to cut off his balls, nail them on his forehead or sell them on the black market. Lord knows how much they were worth with the rise of voodoo, especially in politics and business. But that was just a thought, right now, she had to be a slave to the new found Napoleon,

"Yes sir, your wish is my command", Catherine Samosas had recognized Mr Castles, as he was big shot in the business world. There was always an article about him closing international deals and dining with royalty, if not his latest investment in property and diamond import. Catherine didn't want to screw this one for his boss, although she could make it up to him with some office sex. Screw his brains off until he forgets every business term.

Mr Richard Collins barged in the corridor, as usual with a briefcase on his left hand and coffee on the other, black tuxedo matching his dark eyes and thick eyebrows. His chest out, probably because he had joined the gym two days ago. He always had that athlete body.

Catherine was trying to gesture that Mr Castles was angry when Collins was coming through the corridor. She only looked like a monkey trying to tango, the cute version. It hit her that Mr Castles was running towards Collins. As she picked up the phone to call security of what was about to go happen, but then she dropped it. Mr Castles hugged Collins.

"Oh Big Brother!" Mr Castles squeezed Collins.

"Vooo...." Collins could not finish Mr Castles first name.

The knife had hit Collins heart and it ceased to pump blood to the body in an instant.

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