Chapter 31

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"Dude. No kidding." Joe says.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night? I had to sleep in the bunk underneath you guys." Dad and Pete's faces turn bright red.

"But you're ok with us, right?"

"Of course dude!"

Everyone was fine with them, and why shouldn't they be? They love each other and that's that.

Our food arrived shortly and I ate a lot of it surprisingly. In the last 5 months, my eating habits, as well as my depression, have gotten loads better.

*concert the next day*

"Hey Brendon?"

"Yeah Abby?"

"Can you help me prank Tyler and Josh?"

"Yeah! What are we doing?"

"The other day I bought a ton of feathers and and some pillow cases. So I was thinking, we could stuff the pillow cases with the feathers then run on stage and hit them with the pillows!"

"Awesome!" I run to the bus and get the stuff then meet Brendon backstage. We put all the feathers in the pillows then waited to go out.

"Let's go!" I whisper-shout and we run on stage. Immediately a ton of fans start shouting and we run over to Tyler and Josh. I repeatedly hit Tyler while he sings and Brendon hits Josh, but they don't performing.

*after right before FOB's set*

"Abby! I need you to help me prank your dad!" Brendon yelled.

"Ok!" I run over to him and he explains what we're doing.

When it's time to go out, I can't find him. I guess I'll go out without him and maybe he'll join me later. I run on stage during Pete's speech with the water gun.

"And there's who we've been waiting for!" Pete suddenly yells and turn around with a water gun. Soon, dad, Joe, Andy, Brendon, Dallon, Kenny, Spencer, Josh, and Tyler all start shooting at me.


"That's right sweetheart! It was about time we got our revenge!" They chased me around while I desperately tried to hide behind them and shoot them. It was no use. They finally stopped and we were all soaking wet, especially me. Even the pit was wet!

After the show we all had our usual race to the showers.

*a few days later*

"Ok, we have today and tomorrow off, what do you want to do?" Dad asks.

"I don't know. I just woke up. My brain is ready to function yet." Pete says.

"Dude. You've been awake for 2 hours and had lunch."

"What's even out here?" I ask.

"Well, there's trails, parks, arcades. Other things. Any of that sound good to you?"

"How about we go biking?"

"Ok go tell the other guys to meet us there in 1 hour."

I run to the other buses telling everyone the plan. Then go back to our bus and get changed.

Soon we're all ready to go and we drive to the trail. There, we rent bikes and decide on a trail. We biked for a few hours and I must say, exercise is hard. I guess that's what I get for sitting on my butt for 12 years.

After that, we all take showers, meaning we don't eat until 2 hours later. We go to a buffet place so we can all get whatever we want. I get pancakes, eggs, and bacon.

"Hey watch this!" Josh says from across the table. I turn and see him balancing a rack between 2 drumsticks (that he for some reason brought in).

"I can do that too!" Tyler takes a taxi and grabs Josh's other drumsticks. It becomes a challenge between the two of them. Suddenly Dallon accidental kicks Tyler with his giant legs, causing him to drop the taco on Josh, who drops his taco too.

"Dangit Weekes! Your legs are too damn long!" Tyler says.

We all finish eating and go to the buses. Apparently we're doing something tomorrow, so we all go to bed early.

Sorry for not updating in so long!! I'll try and update more often.

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