Chapter 5

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Abby's POV

"We're adopting you!" I looked at Patrick, then Pete, Joe, and Andy. They were all smiling like little kids in a candy store. I realized what that meant.

They were actually adopting me. Fall Out Boy was adopting me.

"You're adopting me?" I asked.

"Yup! Let's go get your stuff!" Joe said taking me by the hand with the guys following behind.

"What are they doing here?" Jasmine asked as Fall Out Boy came in my room.

"We're adopting her!" Patrick said proudly.

"Ugh." She said and left.

I grabbed my suitcase and started packing my clothes. "What do you want us to do?" Andy said.

"Could you take my posters down?" I answered then continued packing. I didn't have much clothes and most of what I did have was band merch. Which I was fine with. While they were rolling up my poster, I slipped away to the bathroom to get my stuff. I pulled out the bottom drawer and took the small box in the back out. Inside were my blades. I hope I won't need these. I quickly stuffed them in the suitcase and went over to my CDs. I carefully placed them in the suitcase. They were the only things that mattered to me since my iPod broke. I put a few things in my backpack and had everything packed.

"Ready to go kid?" Pete asked holding the suitcase.

"Yup." I said popping the p. Time to get out of this place.

We went to their car and put my stuff in the trunk. Patrick was driving and Pete was next to him. Joe sat on my right and Andy on my left.

"Ok so we have a room for you, but there's nothing in there yet. So someone will sleep on the couch and give up their bed. Tomorrow, we're going shopping." Patrick said getting on the highway.

I nodded and got in a heated discussion with Andy and Joe about what type of dog was better.

"I'm telling you, huskies are better than Great Danes!" I said lightly hitting Andy on the arm.

"Great Danes are better!"

"No poodles are!" Joe said. Me and Andy looked at him confused. "Their fur matches my hair! Both so curly and perfect!" We laughed and Joe pouted leaving me and Andy to fight over huskies and Great Danes.

"Alright you 2! You're arguing like little kids! Huskies are obviously better!" Pete said putting an end to our bickering.

Andy pouted along with Joe and I smiled victoriously, because I won, with some help from Pete of course.

We pulled up at the house and my jaw dropped. It was huge! Joe pushed my jaw back up and giggled. Patrick grabbed my bags and we walked up to the door.

"You like it?" Pete asked. I nodded. "Here I'll show you your room!" He grabbed my arm and pulled me up the stairs. "Here's what will be your room." The room was empty and had a walk in closet. It also had my own bathroom! "Next to you is Patrick, across is me, next to me is Andy, then next to Patrick is Joe if you ever need us. Come on! I'll show you the rest of the house!"

We went back downstairs and Pete showed me the living room with a 80 inch tv, the kitchen and dining room, the porch to the backyard, then we went downstairs. There was a gaming room with a tv, Xbox, PlayStation, and wii. There was also a computer and a couch and multiple beanbags scattered throughout the room. He showed me the studio that I was told to not touch anything. There was a mini bar that I'm not allowed to drink anything from, another living room with another tv, and a walkout basement. Outside there was a big pool and a soccer goal. Then Pete dragged me back inside and went upstairs to where our room were and up another set of stairs to wear there was just a big open space with random crap everywhere.

We went back downstairs to where Patrick, Joe, and Andy were discussing dinner. "What do you want Abby?" Patrick asked.

"PIZZA!" I yelled and Pete gave me a highfive.

"Ok, so you're Pete's new best friend." Andy laughed.

We are our pizza when it got here and then we watched a movie until I got tired.

"Time for you to go to bed!" Pete said and picked me up. He took me to his room. I guess he was getting the couch tonight. I felt bad about that, I would've been ok with sleeping on the couch. "Goodnight Abby!" He said and gave me a kiss on my forehead.

The other guys came into the room and said goodnight and gave me a hug. They left and I closed my eyes. I already knew I was going to love living here

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