Arkham Deals

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It was the usual normal day at Belle Reve. Layne paced in his cage, Blake and Elijah played with the their powers, Johnathon sat still in his icy domain, and Jacob beat on a punching bag to keep his strength up. Alpha Griggs came by Layne's cage to give him his daily meal of slop.
"Eat up, you monster." Griggs said as he tossed the plate on the ground in front of Layne.
Layne was sitting crisscross apple sauce while looking down, sleeping until he heard the plate drop down directly in front of him.
"When I get out of here, your bones won't be the only thing I'll eat." He grinned at Griggs psychotically, trying to threaten him.
Griggs only smiled and laughed.
"That's nice." Griggs said while walking away with the other guards.
Jacob was next for the daily meal, as the others have already eaten. Jacob was sending left hooks, right hooks, uppercuts, even head butts into the punching bag, showing the other guards he was capable of whooping there ass to get out of there. The guards only smiled and chuckled as they approached Jacob's cell, not being as cautious as the did with Layne.
"Jakey! Dinners hear for ya, eat up." Griggs told Jacob as he slid the tray in through the slot.
Jacob walked over to the door and peered through the little window.
"Do not, call me Jakey." Jacob told Griggs
"I can call you whatever you want when you're behind those bars so, if I were you, I'd shut my mouth." Griggs reassured Jacob as he started to walk away.
Amanda was given permission to go to Belle Reve once again, this time she needed someone though, so she went to Arkham Asylum, to find the man that could get things in order with Rick Flag. Amanda had easily set up a meeting with Derrick Watson, with Rick Flag accompanying Waller. Derrick had been waiting in a room, cuffed to a table so that he couldn't move or attack anyone.
"Wait, what're you doin'? I'm suppose to be with my therapist not you!" Derrick angrily but calmly told the guards.
"Not today Mr.Watson, you've been moved to a meeting with Ms.Waller." The guard said before leaving the room.
Rick and Amanda walked in after Derrick waited for a few minutes. Derrick sat in the chair calmly as the other 2 sat down in the opposite side from him.
"Mr.Watson, we need to talk." Amanda told Derrick
"Why am I here?" Derrick asked
"Because this is important, its about your brothers." Amanda said.
"Death or something else that you're going to explain to me about?" Derrick figured out quickly.
Amanda sat quietly for a while then started speaking again. "Your quite the smart one for someone in an Asylum."
"Being in an Asylum doesn't always come down to loss of Sanity or mind illness. I'm in here because of an event in my life made me commit murder, but for a good cause, and they said I was insane." Derrick informed as he scoffed. "Now answer my question. Why. Am. I. Here?"
"How long have you had any good social activity with your brothers?" Amanda asked.
Derrick stared her down. "It's been great they've always listened to me because I was the only one there for them. Layne wasn't much great but he did at most times."
"I'm assuming Layne didn't have much good communication activity because of his psychotic state of mind?" Amanda asked.
"No and yes, he'd always talk to himself about Mom, but it was nothing really serious." Derrick told her.
"Do you mind if we take you somewhere, away from the Asylum?" Am and asked as Belle Reve guards started to put a bad over his head. In no time, they were all soon at Belle Reve.
Derrick was handcuffed as as they pushed him along with he long hallway filled with inmates. Blake as this through the window of his door as he watched Derrick.
"Derrick?" Blake whispered to himself.
Derrick was lead to an office like room where he was forced into his seat.
"Why am I here!?" Derrick demanded to know.
"Because we need you to communicate with your brothers, Derrick." Amanda informed him. "And Communicate, you will."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2016 ⏰

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