A/N Creds to PanicAtBlackParade for giving me the idea for one of these sentences😜

It's been exactly twenty minutes since my eyes landed on his unexpected message. What the fuck? That's all he had to say?

Really Tom? He should have said "Hey sorry for calling you a whore" I hate him ugh.

I still didn't respond even when five more minutes went by.

He text me again.

Tom: I just wanted to say sorry for being a dick to you. You probably don't want to talk to me but I thought I should at least apologize for all the things I said I understand if you don't want to talk to me anymore, I'm sorry Daria

I stare in amazement at the new message.

I'm not gonna reply he doesn't deserve an answer from me. I end up turning my phone off for the rest of the day.

The next day at school I avoided Tom at all costs. I even asked the teacher to move my seat so I didn't have to sit by him. I wasn't playing when I said I was done with Tom DeLonge.

It hurt to see the way he looked at me when we passed each other in the halls. His face was sad and long and I felt like it was me that caused him to look so down.

The rest of the week at school was terrible I can honestly say that if Isaac wasn't there I don't know what I would have done.

On Tuesday I ended up telling Isaac about me and Tom except for the sex part and he was mad about it up until Wednesday morning but he pushed his anger to the side and was my shoulder to cry on.

It seems I was beginning to forget about Tom. He stopped coming over all the time and when he was here he was out of my way. This went on for about a month.

October was always my favorite time of year only because of Halloween. My favorite holiday.

Halloween is this weekend, Saturday to be exact. The whole school was buzzing about some big party that I was not going to attend.

"Daria come on can you go to just one party? Please? I'll never bother you again I promise" Josh kept saying. "Josh I don't like parties" I whined. "Because you've never been to one!" He argues. "Please? You don't even have to stay for long just come by and have a beer then leave" he begged.

"Fine!" I yell at him. He grins and claps. "Yes!" He exclaims. "You're gonna have a great time" he says before leaving my room.

"So what do I wear?" I mumble to myself. "Wear a costume!" He yells.
I shake my head. I'm not wearing a costume. What am I five?

I pull out a black pair of skinny jeans and a tight teal tank top that showed a bit too much cleavage.

When Saturday night barreled at me I was not ready. I don't like parties or any type of social gatherings. I begged Isaac to go with me and he caved in after my constant whining.

He was going as my date.

Isaac wasn't wearing a costume either. "Daria hurry up!" Isaac yelled from my bed. "Shut up" I mutter applying a little more blush to my cheek. "Dar you look beautiful you don't need makeup" he says for the tenth time.

"Whatever let's go" I say throwing the brush on the floor.

Isaac drives over to a large house filled with cars and underage the drinking. I roll my eyes when I see Toms car. "You didn't tell me he was gonna be here" Isaac mutters. "Shut up" I reply.

Isaac parks the car and we get out. I actually let him hold my hand. In public. As soon as we walk in I want to leave.

The heavy smell of cigarettes and weed make me cough. To my right a freshman throws up his guys and to my left a girl is on her knees and I'm only hoping she's praying.

"Let's get a drink" Isaac says with his voice a little raised so I could hear him over the crappy pop music.

I nod and he leads the way.

"Daria!" Josh yells. I turn around and see him dressed as superman. "Hey" I smile. "Hey Dar" Mark smiles. "What are you supposed to be?" I ask Mark. He glances down at his costume before he smiles. "Punk rock King" he grins. I nod.

"Having fun yet?" Josh asks looking at Isaac then me. I shake my head. He rolls his eyes. "Just wait you'll have a blast" he replies before he chases after a girls dressed as a slutty cat.

An hour in and I see Tom dressed as...I don't even know. He smiles at me but I look away. "Im gonna use the bathroom I'll be right back" Isaac says in my ear. I nod and he disappears.

"Having fun?" His voice says from behind me. "Not really" I reply. He stands next to me and I step away. "Parties aren't your thing right?" He asks.

Tom leave me alone.

"No" I mutter looking around for a familiar face to come to my rescue. "I love parties I think they're fun" he smiles. "Good for you" I reply. He nods slowly.

"So Isaacs your date?" He asks breaking a hostile silence. "Well he's my boyfriend so I guess he is" I reply. He almost choked on his beer.

"Er-Congratulations he's a good guy. You deserve the best Daria" he says with heavy sadness. I sympathize with him for only a second.

"So how's Katie?" I ask with bitterness. "We stopped talking a while ago" he replies. I nod.

"I have to go Tom" I say walking away from him.

That was awkward.

A/N Editing sucks again. Sorry.

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