"I'll uh...text you later?" Tom says to me as we stand on my front porch. I nod and almost lean in to kiss him but I draw back.

"Bye" I say in more of a whisper. He nods and hurried to his car. I hurry inside.

Isaac has been blowing me up ever since I left the party, but I hit decline each time he calls and I ignore his texts. I would have replied if they weren't so mean.

Isaac: What the fuck Daria?
Isaac: Where are you?
Isaac: Did you ditch me? That's a bitchy move😒
Isaac: Where the hell are you?

I stripped out of my clothes that smelled like Taco Bell and I got in the shower. After I finished I wrapped a fluffy towel around myself and went back to my room.

I noticed I had a text from a random number.

+(760) 337-9018: Hey Dar it's me Tom

I smiled and sat on my bed. I forgot I had deleted his number. I quickly replied.

Me: Hey
T: Wyd
Me: I just got out of the shower

Yea I put his name as T. Part of me expected him to reply with something prevented but surprisingly he didn't.

T: Ha me too
Me: Lol
T: So are we cool now?
Me: I mean, you did buy me a gross taco so yea we're good😂
T: I wouldn't exactly say gross but okay🙄😂
T: Tbh I'm kinda hungry😅
Me: You just ate😂😂
T: I know🙄
Me: I want something sweet to eat🍰
T: I'll eat anything at this point😋
Me: I'm sure you will
T: Wanna go to Walmart?
Me: At midnight?
Me: I'll pass
T: ☹️
Me: Sorry😁

We texted back and forth until I fell asleep. I was so tired I didn't object to hanging out oath him the following day.

The next morning the only thing that woke me was the smell of food. I quickly got up and got ready and went downstairs. My mom was up and so was Alayna.

"Good morning" I mumbled opening the fridge for some orange juice. "Hello" my mom smiled. Alayna waved and looked down at her plate of food. I sat next to her and slid a piece of bacon off and into my mouth.

"Hungry?" My mom asks. I nod and she puts a plate of food in front of me. "Got any plans today?" Alayna asks.


"Cool...wanna go to the mall?"
"Sure." I shrug.

Two hours later we're at the mall. Claire's to be specific. I honestly hate this store. It reminds of when I went through that weird stage in fourth grade with glitter and Katy Perry.

"Ooh this is nice" Alayna grins as she picks up a tube of purple sparkly grape lipgloss. "You want it?" I ask. She nods. I buy it for her and we walk over to the burrito store in the food court.

My phone buzzed.

It's Tom.

"Hello?" I say wondering why he's calling me. "Where are you?" He asks impatient. "Why?" I ask. "Did you forget we were supposed to hang today?" He asks. I face palm.

"Tom I'm so sorry I totally forgot!" I say. He sighs. "Yea we were supposed to go to FunLand" he groans.

"Can Alayna come?" I ask looking at my little sister as she tears into her burrito. Funny, that's the most I've seen her eat in weeks.

"Sure" he replies. "Okay I'll be there in like 15 minutes" I say.

We hang up and I turn to Alayna. "Wanna go to FunLand?" I grin. She smiles. "Hell yea" she laughs. "Toms gonna be there" I say quietly. She shrugs.

"Okay let's go" I say getting up. "Wait I need to use the bathroom" she says awkwardly. I nod and she hurried to the restroom.

Five minutes later she comes back and she looks weird. "You okay?" I ask. She nods and we leave...

Holy fuckin shit I've been gone for too long

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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