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"Room service!"

We heard while we entwined in the sweat of our naked bodies.

"Be back just a sec darling." He said overly dramatic.

He kissed my forehead, and we both chuckled.

"Don't go, stay." I said as I grabbed his back while he fetched his clothes.

He chuckled again, kissed me and carried me to the center of the bed once more. We locked in each others eyes for a moment and smiled.

"Room service."

"I'm coming, I'm coming." He said as he went outside of the room. Then I hear my cellphone ring, usually no one calls me.

"Where are you?"
"I'm a-"
"I said where are you?!"
"Jeez. Yuki. I'm ok. I'm with Ha-"
"Did you sleep with him?"
"What? "
"Did you sleep with him?!"
"Yuki, what, I-"
"It wasn't enough to beat you to stay away from him..."
"....what?" I say, confused.
"It wasn't enough to pay, nothing is enough.."
"Answer me!"
"You're lying, you're not. Yuki, you wouldn't.."

The voice grows closer.

"I would. I could take him. "

Closer. I'm frozen.

"No. I have a better idea. How about we do a bargain."

Yuki... She's in my front door...but it's not....

"You must be a little confused. Don't worry I'll explain everything."

He has short hair and masculine clothes.


"Believe me I wanted to tell you. Now, let's talk about our bargain..." he scratches his head.

He notices my nakedness and rushes towards me. I run to the door with some blankets as clothes but I'm not fast enough. He grabs my arms and pushes me to the ground.

"Stop Yuki! You would never hurt m-"

"HANA!!!" I hear Haru scream, there's mayhem on the outside.

Yuki unfolds me, I'm naked with him on top of me. I'm so confused I barely have time to react, he kisses me.

"Stop! Why are you doing this?!" I push him.

"I've wanted to tell you for so long. (He laughs) I've done so many things for you Hana, and you just fell for the first guy that gave you a few gifts. I have to help you..."

He slowly touched my legs. I sob, gasp and scream.


He removes his pants, a few companions help him tie me. I kick and scream.

"HANA!" I hear Haru scream. Yuki's company leaves.

"Yuki...please. Please. Stop this. Why are yo-"

"HE is our enemy! He's written himself on your skin, now I have to erase that. It's my duty Hana."

"Do you hear that royal serpent?! I'll re write on her skin. She is MINE!" He screamed so Haru could hear.

He tries to penetrate me, but doesn't succeed.

"I'm going to kill you Yukine!"
Haru comes rushing through the doors removes him from my top. And so others take on Haru and knock him out.

By then Yuki was tired of fighting me and injects me something. He takes a blanket and softly covers my body. His followers question his 'softness' with me.

"Don't question my decision, she's family."
Then he lifts me up into his arms.

"Come with me, and stay with our clan. Learn who you really are, who your family was...or watch him die. I'm giving you the choice Hana, I came here to kill him...but I can take you instead." He said calmly.

Haru groans in pain.
"Just kill me. If you take her-"

"It's worse that killing you. I know that. (Chuckle)
You've sinked low Subara.
You seriously thought nothing would happen? A Subara fell for the last Minagawa... what a joke." He smiles.

"Kill me!! Hana!"

I feel heavy, dizzy, tired. I'm shutting down slowly, I can't!

He whispers in my ear, soft but clear.
"You decide."

Haru's surrounded, really beaten, must've fought with everything he had in him.

"I'll kill you. I'll kill you!!!!"
A member steps in his head with his right foot and spits on him.

"I made it her choice. It's just a matter of deciding what she thinks its best." Yuki smirks at him.

In that moment I embraced the man that was my friend, the man I considered distant relative, a man who took my shifts so I could study, the man who tried to rape me, to save the only person that I've ever...

My eyes they're...

I nod.

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