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I woke up at 9:35 am, with some heck of a pain in my neck, I stretch a bit.

I lay comfortably in my bed. I missed my bed...bed...bed?!

"Huh?!" I run to my bathroom and it was... sparkling clean.


I know that I dragged him all the way here, I cured his wounds, he was, he was here, I-I remember his face so clearly...

I went to my kitchen, and a homemade breakfast was on top of my little oven. Onigiri with a side of a ham made in the shape of a squid and tea. It had a note on top of the rice.
"Eat well; I'm sure you're hungry. (" ̄▽ ̄)/ ."

"What the fuck is going on?!"

I didn't think twice to eat, it's been a while since I've had a homemade breakfast.

He didn't just leave like that. It's impossible. I search my phone, no calls where made. 

He deleted them maybe?

I was late for school, I get my uniform.
On my door there was a longer note:

'д' Your fridge was empty, please take care of yourself.

Thank you for everything. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. I'll be ok thanks to you.

It's best if we don't see each other again.
I made sure to give you the correct amount.
I apologize again, and thank you."

I took the note in my hands and just...I don't know what to think.

It was the first time someone beside me steps into my apartment too. It's so quiet now.

I start remembering, I almost got killed. A gun to my my's taste...a hand in my throat. I froze. Instantly and I rushed to the bathroom to vomit my anxiety away.

"I guess it's not my problem anymore." I whisper as tears fall across my cheeks.

There are 300 dollars behind the note. I was startled; I can't accept this...

I crush the note in my hands and stand in front of my door for a few seconds.

I take the subway and stare outside the window so comfortably. At early morning the train is always so full, now, it's a joy ride...a payment for yesterday's suffering...I remember him, he was heavy on my lap.

I walk, imagine the gun, it's taste. I tremble.
I deep search my phone, I have no code, he didn't have a phone on him he must've used mine.

I find a number, I call without hesitation.
They answer.

I'm interrupted. 

"I understand you took him into your home, but I sincerely recommend you don't contact us again. You're kindness was mercifully paid. We thank you."
They hang up. 

I call again...blocked.

"You're late!" I get screamed by my homeroom teacher.

"Sorry!" I say and sit down.

Yuki passes me a little piece of paper, asking if I felt better, I wrote I was, and past it to her. I didn't pay attention, not to even one of my lessons. The gun I feel it, the bullet I removed, the scent of a stranger...

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