Chapter 4

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After the concert we had proceeded to go on the bus again. All the guys were exhausted, and why wouldn't they be. I be just as tired if not more, if I had been on stage all night long, dancing and singing in front of such a big crowd. After listening to them sing I must say that they were amazing. You could even go as far as saying that I loved it.

Once we got in the bus all the guys either headed to bed or went to take a shower. I decided to search twitter and see what else is happening out in the real world. I was surprised at the amount of new followers I now had. I had almost 200 thousand.

My brain just couldn't wrap around the fact that this was now my life, that this was happening to me, a nobody from America. And to think that if I didn't go on X-Factor and then be forced to quite, that none of this would be happening right now. Simon would barley know that I even exist. I guess that this proves that you'll never know what happen next.

I decided that it was getting late and that I had enough excitement for one day, so I went to bed. Almost immediately when my head hit the pillow I was out and for once I had a crazy dream, just like everybody else. Not that horrid nightmare.


I woke up feeling like I could do just about anything, even fly. Last night I had gotten more sleep that I had in the past week. I jumped out of my bunk and gathered my stuff to take a shower. When I got out I put on my normal disguise. I almost forgot my wig though. The boys would be in for a shock if they saw that I was wearing a wig the whole time and really had brown hair.

I put my hair in a ponytail and then exited the bathroom. I walked into the kitchen and saw Harry making pancakes and eggs.

"I didn't know you could cook." Harry turned around to look at me with a smirk on his face.

"Hun, your looking at a boy who used to work in a bakery. I'm the best cook of this crew." He boasted.

"Crew?" I raised my eyebrow. "Who says crew anymore?"

"Lots of people." Really Harry you're going to dodge the question?

"Yeah, Grandparents." He looked at me flabbergasted. "Oh, and your pancakes are burning by the way." He turned around quickly and started swearing.

"Now, now Harry, no fowl language."Liam scolded. Wow, I guess the other boys were right when they said that he had the mental age of 40. He acts like my Dad.

I grabbed a plate and stole a few pancakes for myself. After I poured syrup over them I carefully took a bite. My eyes widen in shock at the delicious taste.

"These are the best flapjacks I've ever had." I exclaimed. Harry turned and bowed, but I barely noticed seeing as I was too busy stuffing my face with the heavenly pancakes. 

I finished in no time and went back for seconds before Niall could eat them all. After I was done eating I asked Liam, "When is our next stop?"

"We reached our next destination at noon, sound check is at 5:00so we have some free time this time." I smiled already knowing what I was going to do.

"Does this place have a zoo?" I asked. Liam nodded. I smiled hugely. I both love and hate zoos you see. I love them because when I'm there I can study the animals and see them. On the other hand I hate them because they trap wild animals and try to tame them when they belong in the wild. If it wasn't for my sisters death I probably would've become a vet. I love animals, all of them, and they seem to like me well enough.

My grin disappeared as I thought about what my future would've been like had that maniac had not killed my sister. I would probably be happily moving into an apartment with Alex and getting ready for collage to start, while also helping train her for the X-Factor. Or maybe I would still be in America still getting an apartment but maybe not with my sister. I would have some pets instead like a chinchilla or a kitten.

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