Chapter 5

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Me and the boys have grown really close. I had to keep reminding myself to put up the act. Everything was going great, I was barely even think about my sister, until today that is.

Me and the boys were on the bus again, playing would you rather to pass the time.

"Would you rather eat bugs or a raw snake?" Louis asked Niall. Niall thought for a second.

"The raw snake." I wrinkled my nose in disgust. Why would you want to eat a raw snake over a tiny bug?

Niall then turned to Harry. "Would you rather shave your hair or die your hair hot pink?" Harry put a hand up to his curls looking horrified.

"What do you have against my beautiful hair?" Niall shrugged and Harry thought for a second. "Die it pink because that would only last for about a month and it would take forever for it to grow back."

"You could always wear a wig." I suggested.

"It would never compare to my lush hair." I rolled my eyes. That boy is in love with his hair.

"Bring Bring" My phone started to ring. I excused myself from the boys.


"Listen let's skip the small talk." A deep, dark, gruff voice said from the other line.

"OK?" I answered in a unsure voice.

"We both know that it was all your fault that your sister died."

"Who is this?" I choked out.

"Now why would I tell you that? You'll just go running to the police like you always do, instead of dieing like you should of a year ago."

"Stop." I was now on the verge of tears. I have always known that it was my fault that Alex had died but hearing it from someone else. Even her 'killer', hurt far worse than I thought it would.

"Why should I stop? You deserve every bad thing that comes at you."

"Just tell me what you want."

"Don't you already know. I want you to take responsibility. I want to revenge Alex's death."

"How did you get this number?" 

"That doesn't matter. What matters is that I'm close to figuring out who you are and where you've been hiding." I could hear the dark laugh that followed. I could hear it in his voice that he was crazy and mad. But his words still brought me down. How could I have thought that I could make up for her death? How could I have thought that I could have been ever truly happy? I couldn't. Not with all the guilt in my heart. It was my fault she was dead and soon her killer shall find me.

I hung up the phone, not being able to stand any more of his cruel words. His voice had been mutated so it was impossible for the police to trace it. There was no hope for me so why get more people involved. No one should have to die for me. Not ever again. 

"Hey, you okay?" I jumped feeling a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. I shook head, not trusting myself to speak. My voice would just give me away.

"It's nothing." I said, my voice wavering. I sniffed, rubbed my eyes to make sure my face wasn't tear stained, then I turned around to face a worried Liam. He nodded. Still not fully convinced that I wasn't lying.

"OK, just know that you can always talk me or the other boys. We'll take care of you." He said with a calming smile. I gave him a small fake smile back.

"It's nothing that I can't handle but thanks." I replied politely. I walked past him and straight to my bunk. This way I can have at least a little privacy.

I cried into my pillow until I fell asleep. I had the night mare again that night. I couldn't get any sleep. I kept tossing and turning. Finally I gave up and went to the bathroom. I looked at my reflection. My eyes were still red and puffy from all the crying I did last night.

I looked away, not withstanding how horrible I looked. I took a quick shower and then put on my makeup, I made sure that you couldn't see the puffiness of my eyes, before I left the bathroom.

I walked into the kitchen and saw that none of the boys were up yet. I didn't feel hungry so I sat down and just stared outside. All I could think of was that phone call. All what that man had said was all true. I didn't deserve to live. It was all my fault and I had to pay. And I will, at the last concert I will announce who UI really am, with no makeup on, no wig, and my normal clothes that I wore before I was placed into witness protection program. Then I will tell the 'killer' where to meet me. The police can't stop me. They would be out of their jurisdiction. And the boys won't know what is going on.

I will get what I deserve. Not yet though. I don't want to let the boys and Simon down to. They are depending on me to be their opening act. I can't- no I won't let another person down. I already let my sister down and because of that she is dead. I may no have pulled the trigger nor known what the motive of the killer was but that still doesn't mean that it isn't all my fault.

One thing that I know for sure though is that the 'killer' won't make this a quick painless death. No, he's been waiting a year to kill me and on top of that he accidentally killed Alex when he meant to kill me. No, this won't be a painless death but I don't deserve a painless death. I deserve everything that he does to me.

After what happen a year ago I've deserved no good luck. Only bad.


I heard a gun shot and expected to feel pain in my chest but when I don't feel anything I open my eyes to see Alex barely breathing, on the ground at my feet. She had a huge blood stain on her shirt.

"No, no, no no." I chanted. I knelt down in front of her. I picked her up and hugged her to me.

"I-I'm so-sorry..." I wiped my tears away and looked at her, more tears quickly taking their place. I sniffed.

This couldn't be happening, not to her. She doesn't deserve to die. I couldn't believe this was happening. Just a minuet ago we were chasing one another and having fun. Now here she was dieing because she had jumped in front of the bullet.

"I-I.." She struggled to speak. I looked at her expecting her to finish what she was going to say but a emotionless, lifeless look came into her eyes.

"No, no, no. don't die on me. Please I can't live without you. Your my best friend. Please just speak to me. Say something... Say something. Please." My voice broke when I said please. I hugged her even closer to me, crying in her chest.

"Help! Help! Anybody! Please! My sister is dieing. Help." My voice grew quite at the end. I looked down at her and saw that her whole shirt was covered in blood. She was losing heat too.

"Why did you take that bullet?" I asked her even though I knew that she was long gone by now.

For hours I sat there asking her why she did it. Why she took the bullet. 

-----------------End of Flashback--------------

I shook my head trying to get the image of her dead body from my mind. All I could see was her dead lifeless body, laying in my arms, unmoving. All I could hear was the ringing of the gun shooting the bullet. All I could smell was Alex's blood. All I could even feel was numbness. The dead feeling that I've had for a year. And yet I still could answer the one question that I want to know most.

Why did she take that bullet instead of me?

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