Chapter 8

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The next thing I remember is a horrible head ache pounding in my head. I try to open my eyes but I see is black. Whoever this guy is, he blindfolded me, tied my hands and legs together, and tied me to a uncomfortable metal chair.

I heard footsteps approach. I try to look to the direction the sound was coming from. The footsteps were getting louder and louder until they sounded like they were right in front of me.

"Finally I have you here. Do you know how agonizing it was for me to look for you and yet not even get close to finding you, and for that to last for almost two years." He chuckle darkly. "None of that matters now, all that matters right now is that I have you and I can finally have my revenge."

"Can we get this over with already?" Luckily he didn't gag me so I can still speak.

"I want you to suffer, like I did." I have no clue what he's talking about. All I want is this nightmare to finally end. For me to finally escape this life and see my sister again. There is one thing that is bothering me though.

"Why did you try to shoot me 2 years ago?"

"Now that I thought was obvious. I might as well explain why I'm doing this. Why I tried to kill you but ended up hitting her?" His voice broke when he said her. He sighed and started telling me the reason.


You see it all started a full 4 years ago. When I first met your sister. I immediately fell deeply in love with her. 

I started leaving her love letters say stuff like:

You look beautiful today

-love your secret admirer.

I left her that kind of stuff for 5 months before I got enough courage to approach her and talk to her. I was so scared that day. Scared that she wouldn't like the real me. That she would end up hating me.

She didn't though. Eventually I became good friends with her. But whenever I want to hang out with her a get her on a date someone kept stopping me. You see whenever I wanted to get her on a date she would already have plans, plans with her twin sister Alice.

It seemed like I could never get her alone for one second without you interrupting us. For the rest of that year I started to develop a plan of how to get you out of the picture, to make more room for me to be in her life.

I asked her when you guys were next going to go camping and where. She seemed suspicious at first as to why I was asking but she still told.

I hide near your camp and when I saw you running I didn't know your sister was there. I aimed and shot, thinking that it would hit you, not your sister who jumped right in front of that bullet. I stood there not comprehending what just happened. I ran away before you could call the police.

Ever since that night I've been dreaming what I would do to you. Slowly becoming insane in the process.

I searched and searched for you but I never could find you. When I came close to finding you I would always run into another dead end. You somehow evaded my grasp for a whole year. Leaving me empty with no purpose.

--------End of Flashback---------

 The wheels in my brain were turning. So this guy had an obsession with my sister and tried to shoot me, just to spend more time with her. I was just in his way. This would mean that I didn't kill my sister.

Suddenly everything was clear to me. For the past I had been blaming myself. Blaming myself for Alex's death. I was dwelling in the past, only thinking of Alex, not moving forward. Even when I moved to London and audition for the X-Factor, I wasn't living. Not truly living at least. I did all that just because of my sister.

I tried for the past two years to let her live by living what she wanted for a life, for a future. I wasn't doing what I wanted. If she didn't die then I wouldn’t be here right now. I would probably be living my own life. Going to college and becoming a veterinarian, maybe even finding a guy. But instead I became a emotionless, lifeless shell. I was never looking at what was really was happening right before me. I was wasting away into nothing.

So many emotions were going through me right now. Anger because I didn't relies the truth before I wasted 2 years of my life. Happiness because I didn't actually cause Alex's death. Sadness because she's still dead. Frighten by what I did, letting myself get kidnapped, knowing that I was going to die and might even be tortured. And Scared at the situation I got myself in.

I was now stuck with a insane guy who killed my sister and is preparing to kill me right when I relies the truth. I started to think of a way to get out of here. My mind racing far faster than usual due to adrenaline. First thing I need to do is get him to take off this blindfold so I can see if there is a way out of here.

"Why keep me blindfolded when you know that I'm not going anywhere, I can't tell the police that you shot my sister if I'm going to leave this place. Besides you just told me everything so there's nothing more that you can hide. Not really." I said as persuasive and confident as I could manage, which isn't very much seeing as I'm a horrible actor and I was feeling anything but confident.

"If you wish. I'll still get my revenge. You being able to see won't make a difference." I sighed in relief. He was buying it. He took off the blindfold and what I saw terrified me. There was pictures of me and my sister all over the wall, with my face x out or cut off. There was knifes and a bunch of other sharp scary weapons filled the room. But that wasn't the worst of it. We were in a dark room with the only way of escape was the door, which was thoroughly blocked off. There were no windows or anything other way out.

I next turned to see who exactly I was facing. When I saw the guy I gasp know immediately who he was. He was Luke. My sister told me that this guy kept on stocking her and he always seemed shady. He looked exactly how she described him. He was about 6'4 with black hair and pale skin. He had dark eyes that looked black. He looked like he hadn't slept for a month. He was dressed in all black, black shoes, black pant, and black short sleeved shirt. He was also really skinny but he didn't look unhealthy.

I started to struggle against the ropes. He smiled evilly at me. "Now shall we get started?" I stopped at him frozen like a deer in headlights.

He grabbed a knife and started to walk over to me. I screamed out for help, knowing that no one would hear me. Praying that Louis would somehow find me.

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