AmazingFell amirite?

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Dan and Phil were casually walking to dogs r us. It was a beautiful day in England. By that I mean it was raining and thundering. I blame the queen smh. I forgot to mention they got Starbucks beforehand I don't go to Starbucks so I don't know any drink names RIP.

So they were walking and stuff when out of nowhere a cat ran in front of Phil! Shocking. Phil fell over onto the wet floor. Dan took a photo before helping his boyf- best friend off of the ground.

"Oh gosh darn Daniel the Spaniel that cat put me in a pickle! I dropped my drink ;(" he winked in protest.

"The cat must have seen us walk past cats r us. Gosh dang it!" Dan said menacingly.

"I'm kicking you out of the band" Phil said before flailing onto the ground. Poor guy.

Dan took ANOTHER photo. The irony was incredible. He told Dan he was being kicked out of the band then he fell over? Unbelievable I'm outraged.

Phil got married to a Shiba Inu the end.

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