Chapter 5: The Hunt

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"We have to find her now!" screamed Miranda. "We just have to! She can't be taken away!"
"Calm down, Miranda," said Dylan calmly. "I just know she's fine. You know she's the strongest person out of all of us. She will get herself out."
Miranda just couldn't help yelling back. "And what is she doesn't come back? You ever think of that?! She could be killed in a second! Hell, she may already be dead! We need to help her if she's still alive!"
No response from anyone. They sat on the dirty ground, thinking of what had happened just a few moments ago. Nobody knew what to say to Miranda, who looked like she would yell back at anyone who said a word next.
Alecia said in a whisper, "Miranda...I know she is fine. She is strong and determined. She would rather jump off the highest mountain than be killed by humans, we all know that. Besides, we can go save her." She started to talk louder. "We all know Sylvia would be the first one to say to save someone if it was one of us being trapped. We know she would do anything to protect us. We have to do the same for our leader. We need her. Who wants to go save her?" She finished standing up and looking around, almost like a commander readying his soldiers for battle.
Dylan jumped up and said, "I'm going with you. She's saved me multiple times from wild animals. She always did whatever she could to keep us safe. I would risk my life to save her, same with anyone here."
Looking pleased with herself, Alecia looked around the others. "Are you two with me?" She said in a sassy tone.
Miranda popped up immediately and said, "Don't sass me, of course I'm coming!"
The last person was Skylar, who hadn't moved or made a sound since he sat down with the group. Everyone looked at him. He was silent, but his mind was going crazy with thoughts, like 'Is she okay?' or 'What's happening to her?' He came to reality, simply stood up and said, "Let's go get out leader back."
With that, they all changed into their flight forms and took off. There was one thing on Skylar's mind. That one was, is the girl I love even alive?

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