Cristina: Man in her Dreams (2)

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He is trying to stop the shooter to kill her but instead it was him who has been shot.  She saw him lying in the floor, lifeless.  She quickly went to him and tried to revive him. Meredith and Alex are just looking at them shocked of what happened, she is so pissed off why they are not doing anything, they are bloody doctors for godsake! She is crying endlessly that she couldn’t breathe..

Cristina : Mer! Alex! Why are not doing anything!! Help me!!

Mer: Cristina, we can’t… he’s gone….

Cristina: NO! NO!

She is now hugging him and crying so hard “ Oh Owen.. please be alive.. don’t do this to me.. don’t do this to me! I told you I don’t want you to die!!”

Mer is trying to comfort her and went to her side while she's still hugging his body.

Mer: Cristina, you have to let go…  do you hear me? You can do this...

Cristina is crying uncontrollably...then SHE SUDDENLY WOKE UP, that was a bad dream.. even in conscious state there’s something heavy on her chest and her cheeks are wet of tears too.. she went to the bathroom to wash her face, she looked at the mirror and told herself “it’s just a dream, it’s just a dream..  if I would believe dream analysis.. dreaming of a dead loved one means you just miss their presence in your life… so yeah, I just miss him…  I know he’s okay… I know he’s okay” then she breathe in and out.

She went to her kitchen and get a glass of water. She still sensing something is wrong in Seattle she does not know but her whole body can feel it... after she drank her glass full of water,she decided to call Meredith just to check if everything’s okay. After 5 rings, she picked up.

Mer: Oh Cristina? Hi! This is unexpected, I guess you are not busy or asleep or something?

Cristina: Not really.. just want to ask.. how are you?

Mer: I’m fine, we’re all fine... I’m in a hurry actually.. I have a wedding to attend too..

Cristina: wedding? Who’s getting married?

Mer: *not sure of what she will say…* uhmm no one you know of..

Cristina: Oh okay..  will call you soon bye.

After call, She talked to herself.. "everything's okay.. you have to focus on your work, Cristina. You're going to see them in the right time.


A/N : I believe Woman's instinct is so powerful so i decided to write it on Cristina since she felt before that Owen cheated i believe she also felt it when Owen is getting married on the final episode of last season.

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