Cristina and Owen : Something to remember

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He just went out the emergency bay when he took a glimpse and notice a familiar woman with curly black hair, sitting on the bench. He wants to be assured that he is not dreaming or seeing a ghost of the past so he walked towards the bench and sat beside her," this is my bench, i didnt give you permission to sit here" she uttered. He laughed, he missed her sarcastic remarks, he looked at her and examined her face intently, he adoringly say "you didnt aged nor changed at all". "I'm a cardio goddess, i dont age, I'm immortal after all the near to death experiences I had here" she replied,  he laughed again -- this woman never fails to amuse him. "Why are you here? How's Zurich?" He asked. Her eyebrows furrowed "Why? Am i not allowed to go back here anymore?". "No, it's just that...." he couldn't resist it any longer he enveloped her in his arms and kiss her passionately, she kissed back but after a while she parted her lips to his "Owen, we are not, we shouldnt--" he look at her said "Yes i know, Im sorry. I met someone... What am I going to say is that there are a lot of things that happened in here while you were gone, yet it seems that that there's nothing changed between us, you feel it and i felt it too. Thank you for this moment, now you have something when you go back to Switzerland and i will also have mine. We both have something recent to remember, Take Care Now". He stood up and walked away while she stayed sitting on the bench with a blank expression, she just moved when she heard a familiar voice. "Hey Cristina,  ready to meet the kids? Come on. I hope i can tell you a funny story now that I know what you saw but i wont" her person said teasingly. "What do you mean by that?" Cristina asked. Meredith just laughed.

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