Chaper 13

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I remember back at home, when I'd go to Mali's house, Geronimo would always treat me like his own child. So when I found out that he's the person that has been pretending to be my dad I was livid. I had so many questions, why did he do it. When I found out it was him, I slapped him. I can't blame myself, he deserves it, that lying bastard.

Mrs Maple comes up to me and asks for a quick word, she takes me to the driveway, and in the distance I see a horse float coming. Mossy Hill Academy must be getting a new horse, and she must be showing him/her to me.
"I have a very special horse coming, that I need you to see."
I press her for it's breed and name, but her mouth spills no more information. Soon enough the car pulls up in front of us, a woman steps out.
"Are you Mrs Maple?" She asks.
"Yes it is." She replies.
"Were you waiting on a horse called Snooker?" She asks.
I look at my Aunt, and my mouth is hanging open.
"I take it this is his owner?" She smiles at me.
"YES!" I exclaim.
She leads me to the back of the float, hands me a lead rope and tells me that he's all mine now. Mrs Maple and the woman are talking about his recovery and how to care for him, but for now I don't care, he's finally back.
I stroke his neck, and lean into him.
"I thought you were gone for dead!" I exclaim, then I cry a few happy tears into his mane.
When I'm leading him to his stall Mali approaches me, "Is that Snooker?" She asks. "It's great that she's okay, isn't it?!"
I get kind of annoyed by that comment, I'm pretty sure Snooker is a gelding.
"Snooker's a he..." I mumble at her.
"Oh sorry." She shrugs her shoulders and walks away with her other friend.
"Wait until you see Jack!" I exclaim to him.
He nuzzles into my shoulder and I pat his head, "Lets go get settle in now."
I lead him to the stall that has been emptied out for him, right next to Jack. The two horses are curious of each other, and walk over to the wall that separates them. The metal bars that stop them from touching are cold to the touch, and the horses manage to get their noses through the gaps, and they touch noses.
"It's a good thing you get along." I smile at them.

Once Snooker is settled down in his stall I race out to tell someone, but I realise that the only person I want to tell is James, and I have no clue where he is.
I guess it will have to wait.

The next week the vet gives Snooker the all clear to be ridden, gently, but each day I can build up his exercise.
Later that day James came and saw Snooker, complimented him on his looks, and then we went for a ride.

Sitting in the tack room is quite boring, and stuffy when our whole class is in here.
"Wait here, I will be five seconds!" Mum said, but she still isn't here, and it's been half an hour.
"Perhaps we should just go for a ride." James suggests to me.
"Yeah, but I don't want to get a detention." Weslow miserably adds.
"Oh come on, lets go!" Mali says to her new friends.
"Everyone tack up and we will ride in the arena." Sue adds.
Most of the class follows them out to get their horses ready, and do a few jumps.
Weslow, James and I stay behind and talk.
"What is going to happen about Geronimo?"
"Nothing, I guess. Karma?" I suggest.
Mali has no idea her dad was doing this, but I still hate her for it. My real dad reported Geronimo to the police, he was taken to court, along with his other accomplices, but I don't know anything else.

from outside the tack room I hear hoofbeats pounding on the arena floor, and then I hear a pair of high heels coming towards us...
"HOW DARE YOU RIDE WITHOUT SUPERVISION!!!!! DETENTION ALL OF YOU!" It is Mrs Maple, and she is pissed off.
James, Weslow and I are sitting in here laughing our heads off, it's hilarious.
She made them untack their horses in front of her so they would've run off, and they all have an after school detention for a week. It's the best.
Once she realised we were in here she told us to use the rest of the period to finish some school work off in the library.
While James and Weslow head off to the library I take the chance to talk with Mrs Maple.
"Hey Aunt Clara can I have a quick word?"
"Sure, but let's make it quick. I wanna punish these slackers!"
I giver her a look that says, okaaaayy......
And she laughs at me, "I'm just joking, what was it you wanted to ask?"
"I was wondering if you knew what Paige used to ride Jack for, before I got him."
"Polocrosse. He is quite the champion, on the national polocrosse team A-grade. He's never lost a game."
"What's polocrosse? I've heard of polo, but not this..."
"Polocrosse is lacrosse crossed with polo, I think you are studying it soon." As she says that she winks at me, "Kylandra Jackson here is the best polocrosse horse, in fact, I think you two will make a great team."
Then she yells at my class to hurry up, then she smiles at me and walks off. What was that all about?

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