Chapter 4

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 » Chapter 4 »

Somebody's getting Jelly


(Y/N's POV)

Right after the fight, I quickly rushed back to the park and de-transformed. I ran to the fountain and saw Adrien already there.

When I finally got there, I tried to catch my breath and was panting hard.

"Y/N?" Adrien asked as he noticed me.

"Are you alright? I was worried about you when you suddenly left!" He said in a concerned tone.

I looked up at him and stared at his green eyes and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I'm fine, I just got lost with all those panicking people, but I'm fine" I told him and suddenly hugged him without thinking.

I suddenly realized what I did and quickly pulled away. "S-sorry" I muttered under my breath but I think he heard me.

"It's fine, really" He said with a smile.

He's cute when he smiles

Wait, what?-

"I'm ready for the photoshoot!" We heard someone yell and looked at where it came from.

"Huh! Who is that-- Angel!?" The photographer said as he pointed at a little girl with brown hair in pigtails, I also noticed Marinette and Alya were there.

After that, Adrien took pictures with Manon, the little girl. I figured out her name through Alya. Marinette didn't answer and just pouted while Alya patted her back.

"Hm, Y/N, come here!" The photographer yelled.

"Eh?" I looked at him and headed towards them. Manon ran back to Alya and Marinette.

"Go back to posing with Adrien" He said.

"Oui monsieur" I said as I headed towards Adrien and gave him a smile, which he gladly returned.

We started posing with each other, it was weird at first because we had to pose like we 'love each other' but nonetheless ignored it because it was just for business, nothing more. I hope...

(Third Person POV)

"Alyaaa" Marinette whined at her bestfriend. "Quiet down Mari, they might here you, you don't wanna make a scene and embarrass yourself in front of Adrien again, now do you?" Alya said to her friend.

Mari shook her head. "Plus, they're only doing that because they were told to, and not because they want to" Alya reassured her. Mari sighed in defeat and just agreed with her friend.

Y/N and Adrien finished their photoshoot by now. "Hey Adrien, wanna go and get ice cream?" Y/N asked the blonde-haired boy. He smiled, "Sure, why not"

"Hey! Mind if we join?" Alya said which caught the two model's attention. "Of course we don't mind! Feel free to join us!" Y/N said which made Mari and Alya smile.

Le time skip when they already bought ice creams

Y/N bought a (F/IC/F) [Favorite Ice Cream Flavor] flavored ice cream and the rest bought theirs as well. (Idk what ice creams they like so meh.)

They all sat on a bench and ate their ice cream (I almost typed ice scream xD)

Alya broke the silence, "Oh! Mari! I think we should get back! I bet Manon's mother is coming! If she gets there and find you and Manon not there you're toast!"

Mari wasn't listening to her because she was just staring at Adrien while he is eating his ice cream and is mesmerized with a goofy grin on her face.

"Mari? MARI!" Alya practically yelled at her friend to make her come back to her senses.

"Wha--Huh!?" Mari snapped back to reality.

"Did you hear what I said?" Alya asked

Mari shook her head a 'no' as a response. Alya groaned and repeated what she said earlier.

"Oh my gosh! You're right! Let's go Manon!" Mari said as she stood up and grabbed Manon's free hand- because the other one was holding the ice cream.

"Bye Y/N! Bye Adrien!" Alya said as she stood up and stood beside Mari.

They all ran off, leaving Y/N and Adrien.

"Well uh, I guess I should be going as well" Y/N said as she stood up, and Adrien followed. Y/N suddenly remembered that her driver isn't available at the moment because her mom was at who-knows-where. She never really knew where her mother goes to.

"Ugh" Y/N groaned.

"What's wrong?" Adrien asked her with concern in his voice.

"Apparently I have to walk home, my driver isn't available" Y/N said as she crossed her arms.

"Hey, why don't I take you home?" He suggested.

"R-really?" Y/N asked.

"Really, just tell me the address and we'll drop you there" He said with a reassuring smile.

Adrien grabbed Y/N's hand and walked towards his limo. Y/N blushed at his sudden actions. Adrien opened the door and gestured Y/N to go in first.

"Ladies first" Adrien said, in a rather low and seductive voice. "Such a gentleman" Y/N said as she gently touched Adrien's cheek and headed inside. Adrien blushed at her touch, he ignored the feeling and headed in.

After Y/N gave her address, they headed to where she said her house was.

The sun was slowly setting and the city lights were opening, Y/N stared at it in Awe.

Paris is so beautiful

A yawn escaped her lips and she covered her mouth with her hand. 

"Already tired?" Adrien asked. Y/N looked over at him and weakly nodded as another yawn managed to escape her lips.

Adrien chuckled and gestured her to come closer to him. She, without thinking, went closer and rested her head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.

"You should rest, I'll wake you when we're at your place" Adrien said. Y/N slowly nodded and fell into deep slumber.


Translations :

Oui monsieur - Yes sir


Aaaand another crappy chappy done! Was the fluff here gud enough?

Hope ya'll liked this filler chap and as always I will see you, in the next chap



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