Chapter 17

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»Chapter 17»

Dark Heart


Third Person POV

A familiar dark butterfly made its way to Y/N's chain bracelet. From gold, the color faded into a dark shade of purple. Dark smoke surrounded her, which startled Chloe, making her step away from the now akumatized girl. The smoke faded away, revealing an akumatized version of Y/N.

(I don't want to describe what the costume looks like cuz me lazy af)

(Before you ask, yes I changed the costume cuz the previous one just looked

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(Before you ask, yes I changed the costume cuz the previous one just looked... ew...)

Her costume was completely black as she held a staff. Her lips were a dark shade of purple, as her (E/C) eyes are now a darker shade.

"Y- Y/N!?" Chloe blurted out in fear.

"I go by Dark Heart, dear" The said girl smirked. "Now Chloe, would you dare hurt me?"

Chloe screamed in fear as she ran away. Dark Heart floated upwards as she flew after the blonde. Due to her speed, she caught up to her immediately as she landed in front of her, "Not so fast, Chloe. The fun had just begin" Dark Heart let out a cackle. She lunged towards the blonde, and Chloe's only response was to shield herself with her arms.

Dark Heart attempted to swing her staff at her, but a certain yo-yo blocked it. "Not so fast!" Yelled Ladybug, as she landed in front of Chloe, along with Chat Noir. "Where is Cheetah?" Chat asked as he looked around in attempt to find her.

"Oh she won't be joining us..." Dark said as she smirked, "As long as I'm here"

Realization dawned on Chat and Ladybug as they now realized who was behind the mask, "Y/N?" Chat whispered, shocked as he stared at his now akumatized girlfriend.

"It's Dark Heart. It's a bummer I have to hurt you, but it's the only way to get revenge on that bratty blondie!" Dark screams.

"Hey!!" Chloe retorts. "Oh, and your miraculous too" Dark smirks at the duo.

"How did you end up like this?" Ladybug asked. Dark groaned, "Why don't you ask the spoiled daughter behind you?"

"I- I didn't do anything!!" She said out of fear, which made Dark Heart's blood boil in anger once again. "LIAR!" Dark Heart attempted to lunge at her once more, but was once again blocked by Chat and LB. "If you want to hurt her, you have to go through us first" The female heroine said.

"Wha--!? Why even try to protect her!? She is mostly the ones causing people to be akumatized! Now she dragged me into it! Knowing you two, I thought you'd understand me" Dark Heart said as tears streamed down her eyes.

Hearing her words and seeing her tears pained Chat's heart. He can't help but think, did she actually feel that way?

"Y/N we do understand you, but violence won't solve this problem" Ladybug said as she tried to make her come back to her senses.

"Easy for you to say! Let her insult me for all I care, but never drag my family into this. At least no one called you a no-good daughter. At least your parents have time for you, that they're both here!" Rage and sadness filled her heart.

"You are not alone, Y/N! Both my parents aren't here with me either, and my parent who is here barely has any time for me!" Chat said, as he too (as Adrien) understands what she feels.

"None of your words will change my mind, now give me your miraculous!" She charged at them as their weapons clashed into one another. Dark Heart groaned, and with her given powers, she pushed them (including Chloe), making them fling backwards as they landed on the cold hard floor.

She raised her hand, using her abilities to lift Chloe off the ground. (You all get it, right? Telekinesis? Yes? Okay...)

"Now would you look at that, pigs can fly" Dark Heart laughed as she watched Chloe squirm while being held up in the air.

LB's yo-yo hit her arm, making her lose control of Chloe as she fell into Chat's arms. What made her more angrier is when Chloe clung onto him as she said, "Oh Chat Noir! You're my hero!"

"That's enough you blonde freak!" Dark Heart split up the two with her force. (Haha Star Wars... I'll stop these A/N's now...)

"Look who's jealous" Chloe says as Dark Heart glared daggers into her soul. "You know, for someone whose life is on the line, you don't shut your mouth do you!?" As she was about to hit her once more, Chat tackled her to the ground.

"Snap out of it, Y/N! This isn't you!" Chat exclaimed as Dark squirmed under his grasp. Using her legs, she kicked him off of her. Dark flew outside school, hovering above buildings as the duo followed closely behind. She flew lower to the streets, pushing every person and vehicle that came her way.

LB was able to catch up to her and straddled her as her back collided with the concrete road. "What's with you guys in wanting to pin me down? Seriously, is there like anything else you could do?" Dark said as she cocked an eyebrow whilst pushing Lady off with full force. She luckily landed on her feet beside Chat.

"The akuma must be in her bracelet!" Lady exclaimed as she examined Dark Heart. "Take a picture, it'll last longer" Dark laughed before lunging at them as their weapons once again collided. Due to her abilities, she was able to push both of them further back. Due to the sudden impact, Lady and Chat were unconscious for the time being, giving Dark an advantage.

"Yes! Get their miraculous now!" The voice of none other than Hawkmoth was heard.

"As you wish, Hawkmoth" Dark walked towards them. As she finally reached the knocked out duo, she bent down and attempted to grab Lady's earrings. Just as her hand was an inch away from the earring, Dark felt a throbbing pain in her head. She took a step back and fell to her knees as she clutched her head.

By now, Lady and Chat regained consciousness as they sat up and saw the akumatized girl in agony.

"What is... happening..." She struggled to say with the unbearable pain. 

"I won't let you nor Hawkmoth control me!" A voice was heard, though it didn't come from Hawkmoth. The voice seemed to have come from Dark but her lips didn't move.

"Y/N... what are y-you... doing-!? Auughh!!!" Dark screamed in pain.

Her words made Lady and Chat shocked.

"Getting rid of you!"

"You c-can't... make me!" Tears were now streaming down her face.

"Watch me!" Dark's hand was moving, it was inching closer to her other arm which held the bracelet. "What are you do-... doing!?... s-stop!!" Dark yelled, though it seems like she has no control of her body anymore. Her hand grabbed hold of her own bracelet, sliding it off her arm. She stood up against Dark Heart's own will, as the bracelet was thrown on the floor, it broke into pieces as she stomped her foot on it.

"Augh!!" She fell to her knees once more as the butterfly released itself from the bracelet. Y/N trapped the flying critter in her palm, light emerging from it. As she opened her palm, a pure white butterfly flew off.

The same dark smoke surrounded her as she went back to normal. "Y/N!" Chat ran to her and bent down to hug his girlfriend, "I'm so glad you're okay!"

"Me too but, how did you do that?" Lady asked after witnessing her purify an akuma with her own palm. Y/N just shrugged, resting her head on Chat's shoulder "Chat, I'm tired..."

"Let's get you home" Chat carried her bridal style, waving farewell to Ladybug before leaping off to Y/N's mansion.


Upd (From le future): I probably have edited this like thrice now XD If there are still any mistakes, tell me so I can fix it right away.

Upd. 2: I just realized I had a typo. Instead of heroine, I wrote heroin. DON'T DO DRUGS KIDS

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