» Chapter 8 »
Falling for you
(Y/N's POV)
I jolted awake from my dreamless slumber as the sound of my alarm clock rang through my ears. I groaned in agony as I reached for it to turn its annoying sound off. It's just another day of school, why couldn't the weekends come faster?
Despite my mental protests, I got up anyways. I grabbed random clothes from my closet and placed them on the bed. I walked to my bathroom and took a quick shower, and other necessary stuff. I walked out and wore the clothes as I grabbed my (F/C) shoes and put them on. I grabbed my bag and walked out.
I approached the kitchen to see that my mom was there drinking coffee and reading the newspaper. "Morning dear" She greeted, not taking her eyes off the paper in her hands. "Morning" I lazily replied as I grabbed whatever was on the counter, which was a waffle.
"Do you mind if you just walk to school? I have an appointment to go to this morning" My mom asked as she continued to sip her drink. "Alright" I shrugged, lucky for her I know the path to school, or else I'd be raging right now. I ate my waffle and walked out the door, I noticed Adrien was there too. He noticed me as well and walked over, "Hey Y/N" He said. "Hey Adrien" I replied with a smile, which he warmly returned.
We started to walk on the route that leads to school. "Hey, don't you have a driver that usually drives you to school?" I asked him. "Yeah, but he had to drive father to a meeting he has this morning, so he wasn't available" Adrien replied.
"Huh, funny, that's also what my mother told me" I chuckled, finding our stories are quite similar. "What do you mean?" (JUSTIN BIEBER GET OUT OF HE- sorry sorry, continue *~*) Adrien asked, obviously confused. "The reason why I'm walking to school is because my mom had an 'appointment' to attend to this morning, so my driver is booked" I told him.
He sighed, "This is what we get for having parents that are designers". I chuckled at his statement, "Agreed". I looked at him, as he did the same, which was a wrong move because our faces were only inches apart. Heat rushed to my face, Adrien started to go red as well. I quickly turned away, not wanting to make it more awkward as it already is.
"So uh..." Adrien started, breaking the awkward silence. "How were you able to get back home?" He asked, trying to worsen the awkwardness by changing the topic. "Oh yeah that, Chat Noir helped me get back home" I told him, recalling the events of that night.
"Oh really? What did you think of him?" Adrien asked, very interested, which made me suspicious, but I shrugged it off. "Well, he was flirty at times but, other than that he's pretty cool" I smiled. "So, you don't mind if he visits you again?" Adrien asked. "Of course not, plus I like company, and I really want to know more about him, since he is a hero in Paris" I told him, the smile never leaving my face.
"A hero eh?" Adrien mumbled, most likely to himself.
We finally reached the school and saw our friends at the top of the stairs. We walked towards them as they noticed us, "Adrien dude! What's with you being late these days?" Nino asked. He noticed Adrien and I standing by each other, "Dropped Y/N at her house again?" He asked. "And had a sleepover?" Nino added.
"Um, no, unfortunately" Adrien said, but mumbled the last part, so it was only me that heard it. "Our parents had some sort of appointment to go to, being designers and all" I explained to them. "And plus, we practically live beside each other so we decided to walk to school, together" I added.
I noticed Marinette looking glum, but didn't want to point it out in front of the others, so I let is slide. The school bell rung, signalling all students that classes were starting.
<After school>
I threw my bag somewhere in the room as I flopped on the bed. "I'm exhaaauuusted" I whined. "You just took a nap in the limo" Chichi said as she floated to me. "Yeah but that wasn't enoouuugh" I whined again, stuffing a pillow in my face. "Don't sleep yet, you have homework to do" Chichi chuckled at my restless figure. "Why'd you gotta be so responsible and right every time?" I said as she giggled.
I finally was done with my homework. I glanced at the clock to see what time it is, 6:13PM. "It took me that long to finish?" I said as I noticed how long I've been doing homework. "Yep, considering your numerous snack breaks, and your one excuse to go to the toilet just so you could use your phone" Chichi pointed out.
I was about to say something to her, until I heard a tap on my balcony window. I looked at it to see Chat Noir there. What the heck? I walked over there and opened the door. Chichi quickly hid in my bag. "Ch-chat? Why are you here? I asked the masked man as he walked inside my room. "I was on a patrol then decided to visit you" He said as he stretched.
I glanced to my left, then to my right, then back at Chat, "Me?". Chat chuckled, "Yeah, who else?". He sat on my bed as I sat beside him, "I don't know, I just thought you would visit someone else" I said. "Oh come on princess, I'm not that type to hang out and fall for every girl I see" He said, "In fact, the ones I do visit are special".
"S-so I'm special to you?" I stuttered as heat immediately rushed to my face. "Of course you are" He said. "I better go, it's getting late" He said as he stood up. "Til' next time purrincess" He kissed my cheek as he walked out my balcony and left.
D-did he just kiss my cheek? What am I feeling?
A-am I falling for this flirty feline?
(Adrien/Chat Noir's POV)
I jumped to my bedroom window and hopped in as I de-transformed.
"What was that about?" Plagg said as he floated up to my face. "What was what about?" I asked him confusedly. "You visiting Y/N and kissing her cheek?" Plagg pointed out. My face went hot once he recalled that moment.
"I-I honestly don't know" I said as I sat on my bed. Plagg flew to the bedside table and took the piece of camembert cheese that was on a plate. "Don't tell me you're falling for the girl" He said as he took a bite of his cheese. "A-am I?" I stuttered.
Am I falling for this (H/C) headed girl?
Edit: guys im a clown, ignore the parts where i say that you/chat/lb's miraculoused beep without using your special power cuz past author chan didn't know that :v
I finally updated *~*
And Happy advanced New Year guys! To celebrate the occasion, I'll try to update again for you guys! Like, right now! So see ya there!~

Destiny Chose Us ↠ Adrien Agreste
Fanfiction| HIGHEST RANKINGS - #1 in AdrienXReader / #1 in ChatNoirXReader | •D E S T I N Y C H O S E U S• Adrien Agreste × Reader You, Y/N L/N, were a widely known model from New York, also known as the 'Big Apple', and has a Mom, who was a well-kn...