Chapter 14

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»Chapter 14»

Our Little Secret

You can't believe it, all this time, Chat Noir is Adrien. The person you were trying to find was in front of you all along. So, it was Adrien who kissed you?

Suddenly you remember a scene from the sleepover you had with your friends before, you remember Adrien saying he had already kissed someone. That someone was you

You jump down from your hiding spot, landing in front of Adrien.

"AAAAHHH!!!" He screamed as he flinched back. Seeing that it was just you, he calmed down a bit. "Oh, Cheetah. It's just you. You almost gave me a heart attack!" He said exaggeratedly. You let out a chuckle, "Sorry, Adrien"

"... or should I say, Chat Noir?" You smirk at him.

"How'd you find out?! I-I mean, what do you mean?" He says frantically.

"Don't try to hide it, Adrien. I caught you red-handed"

"Well fine, but don't tell anyone else! Please!"

"I'd never do such a thing! Don't worry, Adri. Your secret is safe with we"

With that reassured, he let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you". Suddenly, your bracelet beeped, signalling you had a minute left before you de-transform.

"G-gah, I gotta skedaddle" You spun on your heels in attempt to leap away, though was abruptly delayed when a hand pulled you back. "Wha--?" Before you could finish whatever you were saying, a pair of soft - and familiar - lips collided with yours. Opening your eyes, you see Adrien kissing you. A few moments later, you melted into the kiss and started to kiss back, which caught Adrien off-guard.

He wrapped his hands around your waist, while you wrapped yours around his neck, pulling yourselves closer to each other. You were so distracted, not wanting this to end. Suddenly, a bright light surrounded you as you heard the final beep of your bracelet.

You and Adrien pulled away, your lungs begged for air. You opened your eyes to see Adrien's green orbs shrank as he looked at you.

"What?" You looked down at yourself, seeing that you had de-transformed. Your eyes widen as you look back at Adrien. His once shocked expression, erupted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" You ask as he continued to laugh. After a few moments of trying to calm himself down, he finally stopped laughing. He cupped your cheeks and placed a quick peck on your lips, "It's just that-- at first I was so confused. I didn't know if I liked you or Cheetah. Now that I know you're just the same person, I don't need to be confused anymore"

"Funny, I feel the same thing. I didn't know if it was you who I like, or if it's Chat. Knowing that you and him are just one, there's no need to choose" You chuckle.

"Sooo..." You say.

"So what?" He says, cocking an eyebrow.

"What does this make us now?"

"Hmm..." He thought for a while as he held his chin. His eyes suddenly enlightened, he held your hands as he stared deeply into your eyes. His eyes as beautiful as nature itself.

"Y/N, I really like you, actually no, scratch that. I love you. I've never felt like this before, not even with Ladybug. You make me really happy, both as Y/N and Cheetah. So... Y/N? Will you be my girlfriend?"

You stared at him in awe, his speech must've literally melted your heart. You never knew he felt this way, "Adrien... words can't describe how I feel about you. All I can say is, you mean a lot to me. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend"

A huge grin appeared on Adrien's face, he cupped your cheeks and pulled you in to a passionate kiss. A kiss filled with all his love for you. A kiss that proves what he said was true. A kiss that says you wouldn't regret your decision. A kiss that you always wanted to have with the right guy. And the right guy is him.

As you two pulled away, the both of you stared lovingly to each other's eyes. As if you two were communicating simply by staring at one another. 

A smile crept its way to Adrien's lips, "I love you"

You chuckled lovingly at your now official boyfriend, "I love you too"






A few buildings away, someone was watching the two lovers from afar. Rage, anger, and jealousy fueled her heart. She leaped away from the scene, with a familiar purple butterfly trailing her from behind...


Edit: I removed, or shortened, the little speech Adrien did cuz looking back at it 3 years later just makes me cringe XD


Who do you think was that mystery girl at the end of the chapter? Feel free to guess who you think it is in the comments! Who knows? I might mention you in a chapter when you do get it right!

Ta ta for now, frens!

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