Chapter 10

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  » Chapter 10 »

The Bubbler (Pt. 2)

(I'm changing perspectives now, from now on it will be in 2nd person POV, if that's okay with all of you)

You leaped to the roof and examined the crowd below you. Frowns were plastered on their faces, clearly not enjoying themselves. From what you've gathered, Bubbler must've forced them to go to this party. Adrien walked up the 'stage', "Hey Paris! How you doin'?" he hoisted the mic up, expecting the crowd to cheer, but with no avail.

The Bubbler growled and gave them a threatening glare, gripping on the handle of his wand. The crowd of students gasped then cheered, not wanting to get stuck in a bubble. Ladybug landed beside you, "You're early" she said.

"Something fishy was going on, I had to check out the commotion" You told her as you stood proudly above the crowd, until they all noticed you two. "Cheetah? Ladybug?" You heard Adrien whispered as he stared at you. You smirked as she threw her yoyo at the socket outlet as the cable got separated.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, but the party's over!" You said as you spun your nunchucks. "Why you gotta be like that?" Bubbler said in sheer annoyance. "You made all the adults disappear" LB said, "And that for one is not cool" You added. "And now you're imprisoning anyone who isn't having fun" LB finished. You saw Chloe clung to Adrien as your chest tightened and you gritted your teeth, but he loosened from her grip and ran inside. Was I jealous? "You will not bust up my party!" Bubbler said he took out his wand. Not the time to ask that question. He threw two bubbles at you two. LB blocked one by spinning her yoyo, while you blocked the other one with your nunchuck.

Ladybug and you lunged at Bubbler as he did the same. Your weapons clashed with each other as the three of you landed on opposite sides. Bubbler threw a bubble at LB, she tried to pop it with her yoyo, but it ended up bouncing back. You gasped as you jumped to her and knocked the yoyo out of her way to avoid her getting hit with it, while LB jumped out of the way. Then, the bubble was aiming for you. Your eyes widen in disbelief. Oh no

Suddenly, you felt firm arms wrapped around you as you were carried out of the way. The mysterious person let you stand and your own as you look up to see who's your savior. 

You then saw familiar cat-like eyes staring back at you. "Are you okay, kitty?" Chat asked as he scanned you for injuries. You admired his concern for you as you smiled to yourself, "Yeah, I'm fine, Chat" you assured the surprisingly concerned feline. You caught him softly smiling, your attention going back to LB and Bubbler as Chat did the same.

"Looks like I made it just in time" Chat said, spinning his staff. "We had it under control, but thanks!" LB said as our attentions were glued back to the said akumatized victim. Bubbler groaned as he threw multiple transparent red bubbled at the three of you. You three gasped as you blocked them with your weapons. Then, the Bubbler snapped his fingers, turning the red bubbles green. Bubbles started to stick on you, as you desperately tried to shake it off. In no time, you were engulfed inside a green, transparent bubble.

You three desperately tried to pop the bubble, though didn't avail. "Give me your miraculouses before you run out of air" Bubbler smirked at you. "Dream on, Bubbler!" You yelled at him. "Total party poopers, just like adults!" He snarled at you. "Kids need adults!" LB shot back at him. "False! Kids need freedom, fun, let loose and live it up! Adults are controlling and bossy" He said as he made hand gestures. "But adults keep their children safe and protected!" LB said, "They care for their kids, they love them!" You added. "Most adults do, anyhow" You heard Chat whisper, as you cast him a questioning glance. "You must bring the adults back!" Chat yelled.

"Nope! Never! Know what? Since you care about these adults so much, why don't you go float with them for a while?" He lunged at your bubble as the three of you screamed. Bubbler shot the bubble up in the air, as you three tried to break free. "Use your cataclysm!" You said as the idea popped in your head. "Couldn't you have said that 500 feet ago?" Chat frowned. "We can't stay in this bubble together forever!" You said. An idea popped in his head as he wiggled his eyebrows at you as he chuckled. You groaned as you face-palmed, "Cataclysm!" Chat yelled and destroyed the bubble.

You three were now falling, "Can you see if you can land on your feet this time?" You ask Chat in panic. "No thanks!" He yelled back. Ladybug glanced at the Eiffel tower then to Chat, "Your stick, there!" She pointed at the tower. "Got it" Chat said as he took out his staff and threw it to the Eiffel tower as it got stuck there, "Hold on!" LB yelled as she grabbed your hand as you grabbed Chat's, which kind of made you blush a bit, but you shook it off before anyone saw it.

Ladybug threw her yoyo at Chat's staff, as you three spun and landed on the ground. "Good think cats aren't afraid of heights" Chat said as LB gave him back his staff.  "We've got to get to his bubble sword, that's got to be where the akuma is!" LB said. Chat checked his ring, only to see it only had 3 paws left, "We better hurry" he said. LB and you nodded as you three ran back to where the Bubbler was.

"Where is everybody, come out here and party!" You heard Bubbler say. "Sorry to burst your bubble" LB said you three stood above them. "Ladybug!" Alya cheered as she stood up. Everyone else stood up as they started to chant 'Ladybug'. "No one wants to party with you anymore, Bubbler!" You say with a smirk.

"What's wrong with you guys? Why'd you gotta be such haters?!" Bubbler yelled at the cheering students. He grabbed his bubble sword and trapped all of them in bubbles. "No!" You three yelled as your classmates got stuck in bubbles and floated up the air. "Outer space is the next stop of your precious peeps, and they're never coming back!" He yelled at you.

He jumped on buildings as you three followed him. He climbed up the Eiffel tower, shooting bubbles at you three as you tried to climb up after him, but you swiftly dodged his attacks. You landed on the ground, suddenly- Bubbler shot a bubble at you as you three flung to opposite directions, LB on the right and you and Chat on the left, in order to avoid the explosive bubble. You landed on Chat's chest, your face grew hot. You looked at Chat and saw him smirking, you quickly looked away and pushed away his face, "Not the time, Chat" You told the flirty feline.

You two stood back up as Chat's ring beeped again, signalling he only has a minute left before he de-transforms, "I'm gonna switch back soon, Hurry!"

"Lucky Charm!" Ladybug yelled as she got a wrench. "You're plumbing skills' gonna help us out?" Chat asked her, she only shrugged in response. "While you figure it out, I'll distract him" You said. "Speed!" You shouted as you started to move in an inhuman speed. "Hey Bubble boy, can't hit what you can't see!" You said as you started to run around in great speed. Bubbler growled as he tried to shoot you with his bubbles, missing every time due to your fast pace. Chat as well was trying to avoid his blows and climbing up the tower, covering him when he was about to get hit. "Oh please, even if you did hit me, I wouldn't be affected, I'm invincible when I activate speed" You say, stopping next to Chat as your Speed wore out. "But not so invincible when it's not activated" You chuckled sheepishly. 

"Chat Noir, cover me!" LB yelled to Chat as he grabbed the tube that was squirting air out. You both jumped down as Chat avoided Bubbler's blows with the tube. As Bubbler raised his wand, LB took this opportunity to snatch his wand with her yoyo and broke it. An akuma flew out of it as LB caught it on her yoyo and de-evilized it. She threw the ladybug-printed wrench as she yelled, "Miraculous Ladybug!" as everything and everyone turned back to normal.

"Pound it" You three collided your fists together. Chat's ring beeped again, "Gotta go before I change back" he said. He walked over to Ladybug and kissed the back of her hand, "M'lady" he said in a seductive voice as LB groaned and rolled her eyes. A sharp pain pierced through your heart as you watch the scene.

Chat pulled away and looked at you and winked, you lightly gasped as you turned away, trying your best not to make eye contact. You didn't know why, but you thought that you were actually jealous of him and Ladybug. Chat noticed you avoiding his gaze as he looks down with slight remorse in his eyes. With that, he left. You and LB soon leaped off as well, not bothering to say a word to each other, mainly because you didn't want to.


I am so sorry for not updating in so long! But here it is!

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