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Mark suddenly got up from his seat, feeling the need to leave the conversation after his statement. Sean's eyes followed him as he tugged on his jacket. It felt necessary to leave after the conversation, sort of like a 'mic-drop' moment. He just needed to leave. "I've got to get going. I'll see you around." Before Sean cold reply, Mark was already walking towards the doors and out of the bar.

It was much quieter outside, though the pavement shook with every beat of the music. He walked to the side of the building, near the back exit, and leaned against the rough brick wall. Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. After pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, he stuck it in his mouth while shoving the package and lighter back n his pocket.

Inhaling a long drag, he laid his head on the wall and exhaled the smoke. He needed this; the silence, the smoke, the calmness. Not the loud music, not a conversation with an Angel. What he needed was to be alone, to be by himself. It wasn't like him to talk that much, or to talk in general. Talking that much definitely sucked the energy from him, and now he felt drained and uncomfortable.

And as badly as he wanted to hate himself and Sean for the conversation they had, he couldn't. Sean was interesting, fascinating. Mark couldn't put his finger on what it was about him that drew him in to staying that long for a conversation. He had never taken that much interest into someone, whether he had knew them for a day or a year. Yet, he has one conversation with Sean and suddenly the Angel was flying around in his head with no escape.

As Mark removed the cigarette from his lips and exhaled another puff of smoke, he heard the music get louder for a split second before going back to sounding muffled; someone either walked in or walked out of the bar. He wouldn't of thought much about it, but as he flicked his cigarette to the ground and stomped it out, he heard someone clear their throughly. Automatically, he knew who it was.


Sean watched as Mark stomped out a cigarette, oblivious to him standing there until he cleared his throat. He saw Mark freeze for a split second as he stepped closer to him, then his body turn till they were facing each other. Smiling faintly, Sean pushed his hands into his jacket pockets to keep his hands warm, shielding them away from the wind.

"Hey," Sean said softly, stepping forward a wee bit more. "Why'd you rush out like that?"

Mark was looking up at the moonlit sky, not bothering to look at him when he replied. "Felt the need. Why'd you follow?" He turned his head as he asked the question, a small hint of playfulness in his eyes that caught Sean off guard.

He stammered a bit before finally finding his words. "I — er — hadn't realised I had. I didn't mean it in a creepy way, I didn't realise I was following you until I saw you here. Just wanted to make sure I didn't scare you. Which if I did, me following you definitely isn't a good way to ask if I did... I apologise." Sean was rambling, one of his bad habits, but it managed to cause Mark to laugh. Barely, just barely laugh, but it was there.

Sean smiled at his laugh. It was quiet but it made Sean's heart stutter. Mark, an emotionless Demon he had know for about over half an hour, laughed because of him.  He felt accomplished.

An idea popped into his head out of nowhere, and he debated on asking or not. "So," he said on accident, but he couldn't stop now, "what are you doing later tonight?" The question seemed to startle and confuse Mark, who gave Sean a glare with furrowed brows. "I mean, I know it's near one in the morning, but maybe we could go out? Not in a date! Let me rephrase that. Go out to a park, or maybe out to get food — Oh! I know this really good Chinese restaurant down the street! We could go there — that is, if you want to go, of course." Sean smiled, now out of breath from the awkward ramble. Mark just furrowed his brows even more.

"Why are you being so nice to me? You're an Angel–"

"And you're a Demon," Sean said, not caring that he cut Mark off. "You're pointing out the obvious. Do I have to tell you a million times to make you understand that I do not care what race you are? What religion, what sexual orientation, what age, what gender, what race. None of these define a person. The only thing that defines a person is their personality. And so far, you haven't tried killing me or leaving, so I know there is good in you. So are you going to continue questioning why I, an Angel, keeps taking to you, a Demon, or are you going to out to dinner with me?"

Sean's heart was hammering, and he was out of breath. He was breathing quickly while it seemed like Mark had stopped. They stared at each other, neither one speaking. Both were lost in thought.

A sigh escaped Sean's lips. He had gotten himself worked up, annoyed and going off on Mark, but was calming himself down. Reaching up, he rubbed his temples and closed his eyes for a split second before opening them and looking back at Mark.


Mark kept staring at him, eventually nodding. "Okay. Chinese food it is."

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