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The library was rather empty, aside from a few people. Shelves of books filled the room and were placed accordingly to alphabetical and genre. Pages being turned and keyboards clicking filled the room, along with the occasional cough. Mark and Sean sat in the back of the library, hidden away from the tables of people.

Sean was deep in research while Mark laid on the carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling. Though they had only found one book that dealt with Soulmates, they had gathered up all the books that involve spells, souls, and how to reverse spells and curses. Mark was hoping with everything in him that they found a way to slow the process down or switch their Soulmates, but somewhere deep down in him, he was hoping they didn't. His soul.

The Angelic markings were still lingering in his mind, but other than those, his mind was blankly wandering. Would Angel be so bad? Maybe he has made the life of being an Angel seem horrible since he wasn't one, could it be better? His mind was crammed tight with these thoughts that he loosely thought about. He couldn't think of anything to say, because in his mind he was talking his head off.

Becoming an Angel would hurt, both physically and mentally. But would the pain be worth it? The change of his skin temperature, the way his life would flip completely over. His soul becoming completely different — becoming pure while it was created as a sin. He would become an Angel, wings and everything– wait.

Mark sat up harshly, ignoring his sudden light head and the fact that he startled Sean. He looked at Sean, who was now giving him all of his attention. "If I do become an Angel — not saying I want to, but what if — that means I get wings, yes?" Sean nodded and used his finger as a bookmark as he closed the book he was currently reading. "How badly does it hurt?"

Sean pondered for a second, his eyes staring through Mark, before he reached over and grabbed a slip of paper and replacing his finger in the book with it. Setting it next go him, he leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees, legs spread open, and wrung his hands together loosely. "Well," he said, bringing his intertwined hands up to rest his chin on, "from what I have heard, yes. I've heard plenty of stories. I can give you the gory details if you'd like to hear those." Mark laid back down but nodded for Sean to continue.

"One of my friends who changed a few years back told me that it's one of the worst pains she had ever felt, and could ever imagine. They said you feel your skin be ripped apart, being split and pulled in every which way. Your skin burns as if someone set you on fire and your skin is melting away. And there's blood, a lot of it. It's definitely not a pleasant situation, but it only takes one to two days for the wings to fully come in."

Mark looked at the ceiling, absorbing the words. Finally, he nodded. "Okay. He closed his eyes and heard Sean pick the book back up, opening it to the bookmarked page.


After a few hours of reading and researching, Sean closed the book and set it next to him. Mark still laid on the floor, eyes closed and chest rising and falling in a gently rhythm. He looked peaceful, and Sean didn't want to disrupt it with what he found, but he knew he had to.

Sean cleared his throat. "Mark." Mark's eyes opened and he sat up, looking an Sean. "So, I... I finished the books—"

"Did you find anything that could stop it?" His tone of voice was hopeful, and Sean wished he could tell him the news he was hoping for.

Sean dropped his head, unable to keep eye contact with Mark. Shaking his head, he felt his stomach dropping. He should be happy that there would be a new Angel, but he couldn't when he knew that they didn't want to become one. It just happened due to Fate. Mark didn't want this, and there was no way of stopping it.

"No, I found nothing," he whispered, his voice disappointing. He was upset and disappointed with himself for not being able to figure out how to fix this. "Nothing can break a Soulmates bond. It's written by Fate, nothing can take it back. Every book I read said Soulmates would always be destined together, no matter what form they're in." They fell silent. Sean shifted in his seat uncomfortably, hoping Mark would say something but he knew he wouldn't. "I'm sorry."

Mark didn't say anything, he just stood up and began to walk out. Quickly, Sean grabbed all of the books and snapped them back to his house before chasing after Mark. "Mark, I know it's not good news or what you wanted hear, but please don't be mad at me." There was no response. "Please–"

He turned around to face Sean, the both of them now outside and in front of the library. "Sean, I'm not mad. I'm thinking," he said harshly. Sean shrunk back barely, but it caught Mark's attention. Sighing, he brought his hands up to his temples and squeezed his eyes shut. "I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?" he said, opening his eyes and looking at Sean. "We have to talk about a lot, but right now, I just need some time to think. Goodnight, Sean."

With that, Sean watched as Mark disappeared, presumably back to his house. Sean let out a shaky breath and squeezed his own eyes shut, tears stinging behind his dry lids. Why didn't he have to get so worked up? Inhaling sharply, he opened his eyes and flew back home.

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