Baby Sitter?

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New note at the end lmao

Santana's POV:

"When are you leaving?" I asked my parents as I came down the stairs.

"In an hour, the baby sitter will be here soon" My head snapped towards my Father who was trying to shut his suitcase.

"I'm sorry, I think I miss heard you, did you say baby sitter?" I said staring at my father opened mouthed.

"Yes, we are gone for a month Santana, maybe longer" I shook my head.

"You left me alone before?"

"That was only for a few days, this is much longer" My mother jumped in, she was dragging her suitcase across the floor towards my Father.

"Arg, I can't believe you didn't tell me before" I said a bit frustrated.

"Well we wanted it to be a surprise so you didn't try and wiggle your way out of it" I rolled my eyes, I can't believe it, I probably have an old woman looking after me, great.

"I can't believe I don't even have a say on who is looking after me you probably got some old, grey, boring wo-" I got cut off by the door bell.

"Right on time" My father said smiling and headed toward the stairs, I couldn't bare to see the person so I went upstairs to get my bag to walk to school.

Santana's Mother's POV:

"Hello, I am Santana's mother" I held out my hand for her to shake.

"Hi, I am Brittany, pleased to meet you" She was very polite and beautiful.

"You too, so I know we have talked before but that was over the phone, do you mind if we talk for a second?" I smiled and motioned her to sit on the sofa, she brought in her suitcase as she was going to be staying in our guest room and placed it to the side.

"Not at all" She smiled brightly, she seemed so happy and bubbly, I liked her already.

"Right well, we know you are 19 and you have a good reputation, and have a lot of great reports, like to tell us more?" I smiled

"Yeah, I love to baby sit, everyone tells me I am good with kids, I understand that your daughter is 16 but I am sure we will get a long fine. I do already have a good paying Job I am a dance choreographer for famous singers or TV shows which need dance routines, however that is only on the weekends. I do this because I want to help out people, and I liked to think I'm good for the job because people always tell me I am a likeable person" She smiled back at me. She seems perfect.

"I think you're great for the job, I would like to just say if you have any queries our cell number is on the counter, and we have some rules for Santana which you can talk with her about, and we would like you to take her to and from school everyday if that's okay, just because she might get up to mischief with us being away" I pulled out a piece of paper to read the rules.

"Thank you, Yeah I don't mind taking her to and from school, sure what are the rules?" She nodded with a smile still bright on her lips.

"Okay so 1-No boys over
2-No throwing or going to party's, unless you feel it suitable for her to go.
3-No staying out past 10pm
4-Listen to you
5-No back chat
6-No sneaking out
7- must go grocery shopping together
These rules are just so Santana knows that she still has discipline while we are away, she only has 1 more week at school, there's a break for 2 weeks" She nodded, after that I told her where her room was and said make yourself at home, she seemed very responsible, the reason why we don't mind her being so young is because If she was old Santana would be more angry than she probably is now.

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