Back At School

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Santana's POV:

"You ready for school tomorrow?" Brittany asked while we were eating dinner on a Sunday night.

"Has it been a week already?" I groaned slumping back on my chair.

"It has, 7:30am wake up calls are coming" She smirked.

"You have to get up early to, It's as bad for me as it is for you" I crossed my arms.

"True, However I don't have to go to school" She shrugged.

I pulled a face as if to say 'yeah, I guess so' and carried on eating, Brittany had already gone to bed, while I stayed up to watch a film. It was 12:35am when I was finally comfortable in my bed, I didn't want to go back to school, not because I didn't want to go to the classes or see anyone, But because I wouldn't see Brittany all day long. I didn't go out anywhere all this week, I stayed home with Brittany, Even when she went out to meet with her friends I decided to stay home and watch TV until she got back. If the company wasn't Brittany's I didn't want to be in anyone's company. With the Thoughts of going back to school, I fell into a light sleep.


"Santana! It's 7:30am, Ill get breakfast ready" Brittany called through my door. I smiled and rolled onto my back, I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and got dressed and ready for school. I no longer set my alarm, I find I wake up better with Brittany's soft angelic voice calling my name.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Brittany in a black skirt that came up to just above mid thigh, and a white unicorn T-Shirt that she had tucked in, she was also wearing white socks that came up to her knees.

"Hey, What's for breakfast today?" I asked as I sat at the small table in the kitchen.

"Bacon, eggs, sausage and toast" She smiled while putting the plate in front of me.

"Thank you"


I walked into glee and sat down at my usual seat, I waited for the pep talk that was going to be coming from Mr Schue any second now.

"Right guys-" Mr Schue started.

"I knew it" I whispered to myself so no body could here.

"We won sectionals and that was great, but regionals is going to be tougher, especially now we haven't got Brittany" Everyone sighed and groaned " I know guys, but we can remember everything she taught us. So for regionals I was thinking Rachel for the solo, and Finn and Rachel for the duet" Everyone clapped and agreed, However I was annoyed, Rachel always got the solos and it was totally unfair that she got both the duet and the solo, but of course I just sat there and said nothing. Like I always do.

"And Santana can you ask Brittany if she will meet me tomorrow for lunch?" Mr Schue asked.

"Sure, what for?" I asked curiously.

"Just to ask for her advise is all, tell her the Lima Bean" I nodded and that's when the bell rang.


I just got in from being dropped home from Brittany, To be Honest I was pretty annoyed the whole day, am I not good enough to get a solo? I sat on the sofa and watched TV.

Brittany came down stairs about an hour later and sat on the sofa adjacent to me.

"What're you watching?" She asks suddenly.

"Um, I'm not really sure, I've never seen it before" I shrugged.

"Are you alright?" I felt her looking at me so I looked across to her, she looked concerned.

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