Bad timing

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Santana's POV:

"Hey, Santana" My mom said excitedly as she engrossed me in a hug "I've missed you"

"I've missed you too" I replied, it was now my dads turn to hug me.

"How was it us being a way for so long?" He asked as we all sat down, Brittany was greeted and thanked.

"Not that bad" I shrugged "I mean if Brittany wasn't here I probably wouldn't be saying that" I laughed.

"We thought you would hate us less if it were someone around your age range" My father joked.

"We are glad we picked Brittany, I mean look at the house" She motioned to how lean it was, everyone laughed including Brittany "You guys get along then?"

"Yeah, We became, friends I guess" I nodded looking at Brittany for approval for the label, She nodded too.

"Yeah? Well maybe we will be seeing Brittany around the house again then" My mother said smiling wide. Neither I or Brittany replied to that. My father stood up.

"Well, I don't know about you but I am hungry, who's up for going out for dinner?" He said excitedly.

"Great idea, let's go" My mother stood up too, I followed and stood up as well, and then Brittany.

"I guess I will be going then, See you around Santana" She smiled and headed for the door.

"Wait, are you not coming?" My father asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Oh, Uh, I'm sure Santana wants you all the herself" She smiled.

"No, I would like It if you came" I smiled, she smiled and nodded.

Once it was settled Brittany was coming, My parents walked out the door, leaving Brit and I alone in the living room for a second.

"What did you want to tell me?" She asked softly.

"Oh, Uh, just that I am going to miss you" I smiled, it didn't seem like the right moment now and the way she was looking at me made me weak.

"I am going to miss you to" She smiled and hugged me briefly before walking out the door as well. I stood there for a second, and in that moment of staring where she had just walked out I knew.

Brittany S Pierce,   I love you.

XXX-2 hours later, after dinner. in the car dropping Brittany home.

Sitting in the backseat with Brittany on the way back from dinner. Sitting next to Brittany for over an hour at dinner thinking about how I chickened out wasn't fun. Although, my parents seemed to like her, and actually suggested that we would be good friends. But friendship wasn't all that I wanted.

"Brittany, what about your car, it's still outside our house" My mom suddenly realised.

"My friend Sugar said she would bring it over for me, I texted during dinner, I left the keys on the wheel of the car" Brittany informed us all.

"So your car should already be parked outside your house" My father questioned. Brittany nodded and hummed in response.

"She posted the keys through the letter box" Brittany said.

We were about to turn down Brittany's road, I figured this Is where I should say goodbye.

"I guess I will see you at Regionals next week?" I softly smiled at her.

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