They will Learn

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~ "Oh Liam Yes" then he sticks to fingers in and starts to pump really fast "FASTER LIAM YES BABY YES IM GONNA..." "Hey Brina do you want some..." Kale and Andy say as they open my door and see

Liam inside me "Oh Shit" Liam whispers when he sees my brothers "Dammit" I whisper yell under my breath "Liam babe take your fingers out" I whisper to him because he is in shock. "Right" he says breaking the quick shock he was in. I pull my shorts up and zipper them and look at my brothers waiting for them to say something "Kale Andy you okay" they blink the Andy is the first to yell "NO IM NOT FUCKING OK I WALK IN ON MY SISTER GETTING FINGERED BY THIS ASS HAT" he is evidently red in the face from screaming "Liam I think you should leave" Kale says in a calm tone "Yea right I'm sorry we had to meet like this I will call you later Bri" he looks at me "Yea see you" I say and give him a fast peck then he jumps out the window.

Present Time

It's been two whole hours since the Liam accident and they won't bring it up one thing about my brothers is that they always speak their mind so them not saying anything at all is weird, confusing, frustrating, and worst of all nerve wrecking. I walk downstairs into the kitchen to see them just siting in staring so I clear my throat to get their attention might as well settle it myself. When I clear my throat their heads turn towards me "We have to talk about it" I say quietly "WE don't have to talk about SHIT" Andy says the last word so sharp I winced "No Sabrina's right we have to talk about it" Kale says in his normal voice you all would think that he was fine with it but he's pissed and disappointed I only know because that's the only times he calls me by my full name. "Fine will fucking talk about it" he says rubbing his temples, I guess here's nothing "Look I'm so sorry that you had to walk in on that but".... then Andy cut me off "Why Sabrina your only 16 why would you let that guy put his fingers in your vagina" I looked at him to see if he was serious and he was "Andy you have no right to say I am only 16 because you have been fucking whores since 8th grade" he gives me a disapproving glare before talking "You know that it is not at all the same I am a man whore and so is Kale and were proud YOU you are our little sister and not even close to a whore and That SCUM could go spreading rumors around saying that you are one" my eyes soften they were just worried about there little sissy "Are you guys worried about your little sissy" I watched the blush and tense they freaking blushed so cute "Shutup they say in in unison "It's fine I can speak and stand up for myself you guys know this I can carry and handle my home it's fine I can also kick his ass if he would dare do anything like that to me so don't worry guys" they think about it then Kale speaks up "I guess are little sister is growing up" I laugh at that "Yea right me grow up that's really funny Kale" "Of course it is child" "But you looove me" "Of course we do" "Good because I'm staying at Liam's tonight" the stare at me to see if I'm serious and once they saw the seriousness anger flashed through them. "No" they say in unison "I'm going I have been going and I will go again this is our routine you can't just stop me" Andy speaks "We can and we will" I glare at him then at Kale the dash for the stairs while yelling a big "I HATE YOU" behind my back I slam the door then applaud myself for that award winning act. I turn around put a devious smile on while looking in my vanity I was going to rock Liam's world tonight I just have to find out how I was leaving.

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