Gotta Kick It

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As we arrive at the underground fight arena my brain thinks about all the things I need to do in order to win tonight. When I first got the call from my agent he told me this was one of the toughest 'GUYS' yes tonight will be my first night of fighting a guy. I can't say that I'm scared I back down from no one it's kind of a thing I was told by my brothers they never backed down so it rubbed off on me and ever since I've never backed out of a fight so yah for me I guess. "Yo Dark looking sexy" a couple of guys yell over to me "Unless you want you asses handed to you don't talk to 'Dark' like that got it" Kale and Andy yell over to them "Unless your the D.King I won't be taking any orders" whoa those guys are about to get their fucking faces punched in can't wait. Kale and Andy stare at my guys they nod then all of them look at me I give off the signal and they make there way over to them slowly giving them a chance to run but the stand their ground, I must say bravo to them. Before I make my way over Liam and I do our before the fights traditional kiss then he entwines our fingers and we walk through the crowd that has formed "Make way for the Dark Queen this is her King talking" everyone and I mean everyone knows Liam or Dark King we are the undefeated fight couple because Liam also fights here when he first started fighting we weren't dating so his name was actually Cock Smasher , and my name was Dark Princess but when we became a couple we changed our names it was a big mile stone in our relationship. Back to present time after we made our way through the crowd we stood front and center "Ok guys what the fuck is the problem" I say in a very serious tone "Ya goons here think they can boss us around" hmm is that a Bronx accent I here very far from home don't ya think. "Look New York my 'Goons' are basically family some more then others they don't want me being disrespected don't do it again because then I might let them smash your skull flat kay" "Y-Y-yes Miss Queen ma'm". "Righht whatever just don't let it happen guys let's go I have a fight to win" I yell over the chanting crowd "Dark Queen, Dark Queen, Dark Queen you think she's mean you're probably right it doesn't matter she can fight" and that is my them music wonderful isn't it. The guys and I walk through the doors of the fight place and take the VIP secret passage way it's only for fighters and there guest to use if the police show up we don't need to be locked up now do we. As we walk down the secret stair case all I can think about is how I'm ready to kick some major ass.

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