Fuck IT

28 4 1

A/N Hey guys sorry I took forever to update I suck but I've been super busy with Softball, Marching Band, Percussion, And trying to keep my grades up but hey I'm back to my weekly updates here we go.

As I am pulling up to the Hampton's in the Upper Eastside I go here to lose my mind with my craziest bestfriend in New York that no one knows of Chuck Bass. He is one Hell of a party person my partner in crime when we get together it's un-fucking-believe able. I don't know if coming here was good thing because last time I had to clear my mind Chuck and I had sex and his girlfriend Blair broke up with him I mean I wasn't dating Liam at the time I was still a player but he helps me get my mind off things so if it takes cheating then I'll do it. I sound like a total bitch right I know but really I already cheated on him why not one more time for the benefit of the doubt Chuck gets to fuck me into oblivion I get to forget about everything that has happen up till now and Liam still gets me in the end because I'm 160000 feet away from home half way across the world I live in the West Coast he is in the East Coast it's impossible 'at least I thing' it's impossible for them to ever meet.

I show up in front of his door kind of last minute that I'm here but isn't it always like this. I knock on the door a couple of times because it sound like his is having sex and If he is it's nothing I haven't seen before. "Who the fuck is it I'm in the middle of a fuck" wow someone's rude but I knew it smelled like sex "Open the fucking door you dick" I shout behind the brown door "Sabrina that you" I chuckle at the surprise in his voice "Yes you prick in the flesh maybe you could see that if you get your dick out of that whore and come open the god damn door". I hear the girl gasp and Chuck laugh a hearty-laugh "Yea" I hear him tell the girl to but clothes on and get the hell out still the same Chuck I see which makes me roll my eyes "I'm getting tired of waiting Chuck" I wined then finally the door opened with a girl in a short black skin tight dress glaring at me "Is there a problem whore" I spat at her, her eyes widened at the venom in my voice then she scurried of down the hall."Sabrina babe you look so sexy so fuckable I could take you right here" I roll my eyes at his bluntness "If I had a dollar for every time a guy said that to i'd be able to buy another mansion" he rolls his eyes at my comment "Well how can we get started if you're in the hall" I raise my eyebrow "How can I get out of the hallway if you're blocking the door way" I challenge " Well said" he moves a side and I walk in as he is closing the door I think this was defiantly the right choice.


Soo again sorry

Yes I know Gossip Girl references and characters but honestly how could I resist I seriously will forever be obsessed with that show and I'm sad that they ended.

•How do you think she knows Chuck if she lives in the West Coast

•What do you think is going through Liam and Colby's minds

•How do you think Her brothers feel about her up and leaving

Leave these answers in the comments.

Xoxo ~ Gossip Girl


Xoxo~ Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2014 ⏰

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