Plain Activated

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So now I have to come up with a plan to escape this prison and go do Liam at his house. So I decide to first write a good bye letter and post it on the door, after that I would use my emergency rope to go down the window take it with me then use it to get back up, then I would run around the corner were Liam will be. 'Nice Plan Self' now I'm talking to myself that's normal. When I finish my good bye letter, I go to my closet then go to my closet behind my closet I know I know I'm spoiled but when I saw Hanna Montana have two closets I knew I had to have two closets back to the problem at hand I get the rope from my closet inside my closet. I throw it on the thickest branch swing it around a few times then jump down the real struggle was unwrapping the rope it took like 15 minutes, I ran around the corner and saw Liam in his Red and White 2011 Mustang and slide into the passenger seat. "Hey Babe" he say then gives me a soft sweet kiss "Hey Liam" he gives me a long look "Beauty you are there little sister they are going to be protective over you especially since your truly beautiful you would make any boy go crazy so they have to go crazy over them and I'm fine with being hated by your brothers as long as they don't take you away from me" I look at him in awe he's right "Turn around" he looks at me like I'm crazy "Wha-" Liam turn the hell around" he turn the car around going back to the direction of my house they are going to accept that I'm with Liam and that I'm not a little girl any more.

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