Love is better Bare?

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As I finished wiping my sweat I reminisce on the fight that just happened and it was more amazing the sex with Channing Tatum on a beach and trust me that would be AH-MA-ZING. I beat the guy so bad that he was seeing dots well that's what the owner said that the guy was saying and I feel bad because he was super sexy and those abs made me want to lick everything top to bottom lord there's a party in my panties I need Liam. "Babe I'm super duper funny" I announce "Oh are you now" he's says back seductively "Ok what is this what's happening" Andy says skeptically "They are having sex, they always have sex after a fight because when Boo-Boo sees a guy that has washboard abs she gets funny or in other words horny" Alec say I know what a rat "What the Fuck Alec you rat" "Babe I love you in all but they would find out eventually" he said in deep thought "Yea well maybe...." "Sabrina Shut up you are not having anymore sex" Andy shouted "But Andy I'm horny" I pouted have I mentioned that I just might be a little drunk "Sabrina Babe I love you but your brother is right no sex" Liam spoke to me "But Lammy I'm so so wet for you baby" "Why aren't you wet for me" Cam squealed "Shut Up I'm not hearing this right now you my sister are not wet for anyone" "Hey beautiful how about I rip your clothes off and fuck you dry" "OMG LIAM WOULD YOU" "NO THIS IS NOT HAPPENING KALE TELL THEM TO STOP I CANT TAKE THIS IM GOING TO BEAT YOUR FACE IN LIAM" "Calm down Andy I know what I'm doing she does this every fight" Andy takes deep breathes in and out "Okay okay but I'm leaving". "What if we went swimming with Unicorns" I said jumping up and down then Colby spoke up for the first time tonight "Princess we can do what ever you want. If you wanna go swimming with unicorns then we'll go swimming with them got it". "Thank you Colby have I ever told you that you are my favorite I love you" I told him giving him a kiss on the cheek then a faint red blush appeared "Aw Colbs are you blushing" he turned to glare at Cam "Shut the fuck up Cam" he spat I guess these two are going through something "Colby baby do you mind doing me a favor" I whispered in his ear, he visibly gulped "N-Noo I don't mind at all?" I gave him a big smirk "Do you mind rubbing my body up and down with oil" I glanced at Colby his eyes wide, ajar jaw, and his cheeks more red than a tomato. "U-um n-n-no I um don't mind at all" I looked at him in awe he is so cute "I hope the rest of the night goes as planned then sexy" then I sucked his..... just kidding then I kissed him and we made our way into the cars and I had to ride in Colby's because I was drunk.

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