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Hello!!! I'm back with my new chapter. SORRYYYY FOR MY LATE UPDATE AGAIN!! 😭😭😭 sob sob. I am freaking busy you know, plus I didn't even get to touch my phone.But I still hope you guys are patiently waiting kekeke 😘😘.Love me like you love Sehun-Jihyo or Baekhyun-Jihyo okay? 😏.I keep hurting Jihyo 😭😭 don't get wrong idea here, I love Jihyo very much but this ff is very...vicious kekeke


'This is very weird.I couldn't find Jihyo at her office since this morning and not even one of us find or talk to Jihyo.Where has she been? It's only just a week when she got out from  the hospital and I am still worried about her health.Plus, she is now is not in front of my eyes"I keep talking in my heart.
"Baekhyun, have you found Jihyo anywhere? " I asked Baekhyun as soon as we all done for the meeting for today.
"No, last time I saw her was in the morning when she said she want to go to the construction site to see the upgrade for our new project" Baekhyun said.
"Baekhyun,i am worried about her.I sense something wrong about her, I can feel it! "I said as I can feel something wrong.
"Hurm, why don't we call our dad, Mr. Kim? Perhaps he knows Jihyo whereabouts right? " Kai said.
"No, he didn't! I've met with dad just now and asked about her" I replied.
"What? " Suho became surprised. I look at everyone's expression and they are all seemed worried.
"Hey, why don't you ask Eunji? She is closed with Jihyo lately, maybe she knows" Kyungsoo's idea make I love him even more.
"Yeah you right, let's all of us go to Eunji now" Lay said.
All staff looking at us with a curious look to know what had happened as we seems panicked and worried about our Jihyo, but we just ignore them and pressed the button lift to go to fifth floor where Eunji's office is just nearby Jihyo's office.I knocked the door and open the room.
"This is hell, shit! " I cursed as I felt so mad with myself.
"Why Sehun why? "Baekhyun and Suho asked and they pushed me aside to look in as I gave them an unpredictable reaction I guess.
"Why Baekhyun? " Luhan and Kyungsoo asked.
"Eunji..... is not here too" Baekhyun said.
"You guys are thinking the same like what I am thinking right now.... right? " I asked them.
"Eunji must be related to Jihyo's disappearance" Kyungsoo said with a serious look.
"Shit! " I punched the door and ran to go search for Jihyo. I heard they are calling me back but I just ignore them.I can't think anything else,I am totally worried about her. The worse is, Eunji knows my brother and I am scared something bad happened to Jihyo again.Plus, last night before going to bed, Jihyo told me about Eunji came to her at the hospital to warn her.That's why I'm getting panicked and even ignore my friends. As I enter my car, I grabbed my phone in my suitcase and dialed Kyungsoo's number.
"Kyungsoo, tell them I'm sorry for leaving you guys just like that, I am too worried about Jihyo, I can feel something is not right, but please... help me this time, help me" I apologized and begged them to help me to find Jihyo.
"Sehun, its okay, we're understand and of course we will help you, Jihyo is our princess, the only one princess in our house, and we are all loved her so much just like our sister, so don't worry, we will find a way and make it easier for you" Kyungsoo tried to convince me.
"Okay, thank you so much guys" I thanked them.
"So, where are you going now? Do you know some places? " Kyungsoo asked.
"I want to look for Eunji because I can feel that Jihyo is with her" I said.
"I see, we will help you to know Eunji's location, I will inform you later when we got good news" Kyungsoo replied.
"Alright, got to go now" I end the conversation.Then, I tried to call Eunji, but as expected, she won't answer my phone.Arghh!Why did bad things always happened? Why? Can't I just being happy with Jihyo? I feel my heart exploded.
"Keep calm Sehun, keep calm and let's think a way to solve this problem" I talk to myself to get motivated.
"Why don't I asked the staff in the office? Perhaps they saw Jihyo somewhere" I suddenly got an idea.
I dialed back Kyungsoo's number.
"Sehun, we suddenly got an idea just now" Kyungsoo said as I didn't even get to said any words yet.
"And what is that? " I asked.
"We want to ask all the staff here, perhaps they saw either Eunji or Jihyo" Kyungsoo said.
"Yah, I just got that idea though, that's why I am calling you, wow,we all have a strong chemistry, am i giving you guys telepathy just now? " I make a joke.
"That's why 'We Are One' Sehun" Kyungsoo said.
"Yes that's true,urm, asked the staff now, and turned on the loud speaker button, I want to hear and want to asked if any of them saw Eunji" I said. "Good evening everyone, attention please! We need to get your attention for a minute now, please give your cooperation.We have an emergency here, so I want to ask you guys if any of you saw or meet either Jihyo or Eunji? Please help us" I heard Baekhyun's voice echoing in the phone.
All the staff sounds like they were surprised and curious about what had happened as I can hear noise through the phone.
"I think I saw Eunji and Jihyo this morning, they went out together from the office but I don't know where are they going" A female staff being a witness.
"What?Do you see whether Eunji is driving her car or not?" I asked through the phone as I could see a familiar car, so I thought it would be Eunji's car but I'm not so sure about it.
"No, I saw them both went into another car, and if I'm not mistaken,it is a luxurious black car, Maybach 57s" She said again.
"Thank you for your information, okay, you guys can continued your work now" Baekhyun said.
"Sehun, what is it now? Do you got another information? " Suho asked.
"Luxurious black car.... Maybach 57s...it was my hyung's car" I said with a low tone.
"What?? " Suho sounds surprised.
"Did he... why did he came back?? " Suho said.
"I don't know Suho, I'm so mad now that I don't even have a mood to talk" I said.
"Sehun, let's go to your hyung's place now, you go first, we will follow behind" Chanyeol said.
I hung off the phone and drive crazily fast to my hyung's place where he used to gamble there.Even if I'm not sure whether they are there or not, but I still drive my car there.What's wrong with him? What did he wants again? Why did Jihyo follows Eunji? Why is she so stupid?!As I reached in front of this buildings, I saw Maybach 57s and another unfamiliar car parked outside.There are seems many people here.What are they doing? I asked myself.
I walk slowly to enter this old building, and I heard a noise from upstairs.
"Why did you do this to me?? What else do you want? You have take everything from me!" I heard a familiar female voice.
'That's Jihyo's voice' I talk to myself.
"Sehun? " I was so surprised when suddenly someone called my name and when I turned my back, it was Eunji!
"Why are you here? Looking for me or Jihyo? " She chuckled. What a bitch! I feel like I want to punch her right at her face but I have to act so that I can help Jihyo.
"Let's go see Jihyo" She smiled weirdly. I wonder, what is she thinking.
"Oppa, look, who's here" Eunji said with a smile and I saw Jihyo was kneeling down with her hands tight and her blouse is ripped and dirty. There were bruised everywhere and I feel like I want to cry looking at her situation but I don't have the power to fight with seven man alone.My brother brings his man so how can I fight alone, I need to wait for the others to help.
"Wow wow, such a detective, how did you know we are here? "He asked.
"You are the one that stupid to choose this place to do everything bad, so how won't I know? " I chuckled.
"Rude, beat him" He smiled.
Suddenly five men came around me and beat me badly as I didn't even manage to fight back.
"Sehun! No, Gi Taek please don't hurt him! " Jihyo cried.
"Oppa! We had promised not to touch Sehun! " Eunji yelled.
"Okay okay, stop! " He said.
I stand back weakly and wipe the bleed from my lips.
"Jihyo now" He smiled again.
The men then came to Jihyo and beat her .
"Hyung are you crazy!!! She is a woman! " I yelled as I go towards my brother and punch him then I tried to pull Jihyo out but they are too strong.
"Stop" He gave instructions again.
"So who should I beat? Jihyo won't let you hurt and you don't want Jihyo got hurt auwww how sweet" He chuckled.
"Gi Taek, please let Jihyo go" Baekhyun came in finally.
"Now we have both Sehun and Baekhyun wow" He smiled.
"Where are the others? I whispered to Baekhyun when my brother look at Jihyo.
"Still not here, they look for help, I came by myself " He said.
"Baekhyun, come here" Gi Taek called him.
Baekhyun slowly walked to him and I'm not sure what my brother will do him.He suddenly kissed Jihyo in front of me. What? What the hell is Baekhyun thinking? Why suddenly he kissed Jihyo roughly and the worse is I could see Jihyo is receiving his kiss but with a teary eyes, what's wrong with them? I feel mad so suddenly.
Why did Baekhyun being like this.
"The kiss is not deepen enough, deepen it Baekhyun so I'm satisfied" My brother chuckled.I tried to act as calm as possible because I'm not sure what is going on.
But I feel really furious when Baekhyun really deepen the kiss, they both seemed like a real couple kissing and Baekhyun released Jihyo's hands that was tied and pulled her closer to him.This is crazy.When they both stop kissing,they look at each other,and Baekhyun wiped her tears.What kind of drama is this?
"Jihyo,do you love Sehun or Baekhyun?" My brother asked as he stares me.
"Baek..baekhyun" Jihyo stuttered.
It was short answer but it is enough just to my heart bleeding.
"See?Sehun,stop hoping that she loves you,she didn't!I am the one that challenged them to kiss infront of you and they didnt hesitate"He chuckled.
"Huh, what? I can do it too" I said as I can't think proper anymore.I pulled Eunji and kiss her madly. I could feel my angered within the kiss but Eunji still accepted my kiss.I do it more than Baekhyun did to Jihyo. Baekhyun just stares us and I heard my brother laughing.
"Wow, wow watching you guys make me feel hot"He chuckled.
"Stop it now! " I heard Mr. Kim's voice and the other guys came together.I am relieved but at the same time I am worried if something bad happen to Mr. Kim.

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