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I feel so bad that I had to hurt Jihyo, I don't want to hurt her but I had no choice and I choose to do that way. I love both Sehun and Jihyo.But, yes loving can hurt.I should have not fallen for Jihyo.
"Baekhyun, are you okay? " Kyungsoo asked when the doctor is helping me to stop the bleeding for a while.
"Yah, how could you asked me that? I am hurt right now" I teased him.
"Our Kyungsoo is always like that,he asked something that he shouldn't" Lay laughed as he hug Kyungsoo's shoulder.
"Aigoo,i dont know about that but you look like you are not hurt at all" Kyungsoo makes a poker face.
"I am just kidding,of course i am hurt but I can stand the pain ergh" I rolled eyes to him.
"Stop talking nonsense and just go to the hospital now" Kris said.
"Eyyy,if I can drive this ambulance then, I will be already at the hospital 5 minutes ago, can't you see the nurse is still setting everything in this ambulance? " I said.
"I am sorry for working slowly" The nurse suddenly apologize.
"Oh no no, noona,don't be like that, its okay,the wound is not that bad,its just a small bullet and the weakest bullet,thank God.It's hurt but i can still bear it" I said with a smile.
"This Baekhyun is really weird,you are just being shot,but you look just fine,are you really fine?You look pale though" Luhan said.
"Dont make him talk a lot,he is pale because he is sick" The doctor warned us.
"Ah,sorry" They are all apologized.Yes,the doctor knows it,it's really hurt though, but I pretend in front of them that I am okay. I don't want them to worry about me much.
"Song Jihyo! " Suddenly Chanyeol screamed Jihyo's name out of nowhere.
Without thinking much about the pain that I have to bear ,I immediately got out from the ambulance and wanted to check what happened.
I can't believe what I am seeing.Jihyo is trying to jump off from the third floor of this old building!
"Jihyo! No! " I heard noises upstairs,it seemed they are trying to calm Jihyo. "Baekhyun, stay back, I will try catch her if she jump" Chanyeol said.
"No I won't let she jump, it's too dangerous! " I said.
"And how do you want to do that?? Baekhyun, please! Just listen to me once! You are bleeding!" Chanyeol said but I don't know why I am so stubborn.
"I don't care about this stupid bleeding but her life is more important for me! " I become annoyed.
"Guys, she seemed like she wants to jump!" Kyungsoo said and Kris, Kai, and Lay running towards us.
The doctor and his assistant,seemed speechless to see us.
I can't believe Jihyo is actually jump off from the balcony in front of my eyes.I pushed Chanyeol who are ready to catch Jihyo and I will be the one to save her as an apologized to her, that's what I have been thinking just now.
A very loud sound echoing.In just a second, Jihyo is already fall onto me.I hug Jihyo tightly that was laying onto me. I can feel a painful feeling all over my body and everything goes dark.


"Uh,uh Baekhyun woke up first" I heard Chanyeol's voice as I open my eyes.The guys are all surrounding me.
"Huh? Where am I? " I asked.
"In heaven" Kai said with a serious look and I was so shocked.All I remembered was I am trying to catch Jihyo and the impact was really great as I can feel the pain on my whole body.Am I... dead?
I stared towards the guy blankly.
"Yah! Stop teasing him, he just woke up! " Suho slaps Kai's head for punishment of being naughty.
"Ah, you hurt me hyung" Kai pouted his lips.
"What?Baekhyun is more hurt than you" Chanyeol said.
"Aish, okay okay" Kai said.
"We are in hospital now" Kyungsoo said.
"What actually happened,and where is Jihyo? " I asked because I am curious.
"You are the one that was so stubborn aigoo, I don't know what to say, you fainted when you try to catch Jihyo, she fell right onto you but you injured knees got hit by her body so it bleeding very bad, and you fainted" Chen said with his arms wrap around him.
"Yes, that's the Karma for not listening to me" Chanyeol raised his eyebrows.
"Alright,i'm sorry then but i am still alive!" I said as i rolled eyes.
"You knees bleeding so bad, and I know you were in so much pain after Jihyo fall on you" Xiumin said.
"Ho..how did you know? " I asked with a bitter smile.
"I am not that stupid looking at your bleeding knees not knowing you are having a very bad injuries" Xiumin said.
"Urm,thank you for you guys.You guys are always here for me to help me" I suddenly getting emotional as i cant imagine if one day we got separated.
"By the way,where is Jihyo?" I asked again.
"She..." Kyungsoo seemed stuttered.
"Why?" I asked again.
"I'm sorry Baekhyun" Kai said with a sad look on his face.
"Why are you guys being like this?" I started to imagine something bad happened.
"She was.....she was just fine!!Haha congratulation,you really save her!" Chen said happily.I quickly grab the pillow and throw it towards Chen's face.I dont care if the doctors and nurses are all looking at us weirdly.
"Yah,its not time to play around" I said as i feel annoying.
"Well,it's Luhan's idea" Chen pointed Luhan.
"Why me?I am just standing with Lay here looking at you guys quietly" Luhan said.
"Okay then,whatever,where is she now?" I asked.
"She is in the room beside you" Suho said.
I quickly grab the wheelchair beside my bed as i cant use my leg yet.
"Hey,where are you going?" Kyungsoo asked and everyone looks like wanted the answer from me.
"Go to see her" I said simply.
"Baekhyun...please,dont.Your legs are not fine yet,you have to rest" Suho said to convince me.
"Then how can i leave her alone there?" I asked.
"Sehun is taking care of her now,you dont have to worry" Chanyeol said.
"Oh,i see..Sehun..is taking care of her,no wonder he is not here." I said with a low voice but somehow i feel relieved.Jihyo needs someone she loves beside her it's looks like that Butterfly song by Beast is playing inside my mind.Stop getting emotional Baekhyun,this is the best for everyone.
Suho touched my shoulder.Sometimes I really feel comfortable with Suho. He really understand me.
"I am okay Suho" I said with a sincere smile.
"Huh? What? I don't ask you if you are okay or not, I touched your shoulder because I want you to lie down on this bed again" Suho made a poker face.
"Aigoo, so embarrassing right? Tsk tsk" Tao shake off his head while the others laughing loudly.
"Yah, why everyone want to tease me today! " I rolled my eyes.
"Hahaha we are just playing around with you to lighten the mood, we didn't make a joke like this for a long time right? " Chanyeol said.
"Whatever. Eo? What? SIBLINGS? Who wants to be your siblings? " I tried to tease them back.
"I don't want you either to be my siblings, you are so loud and I can't stand" Chanyeol simply said made the others laughing again.
"Fine, I lost. I don't want to talk anymore, ended I will lose again and again, my heart is full of angrier now huh" I lied down on bed and pretend to sleep ignoring them who are still laughing.
"Yah yah, stop teasing our poor Baekkie" Suho said.
"Baekkie ya, what is actually happened with you, Gi Taek and Sehun? Why Sehun seemed very mad when we arrived there? And, he was holding Eunji's waist?" Luhan sudden question make me feel speechless.
"Urm.. " I become quiet.
"It's okay guys, I will tell you later,actually I am the only one who knows Baekhyun's plan and Baekhyun, I will explain to Sehun so that he knows the truth okay? " Suho convinced me.
"What? Only Suho knows? How did he knows? " Kai raised his eyebrows.
"Because I am the only who he can trust here" Suho said proudly.
"Whatever, tell us later not now, it's not good with Baekhyun's condition now" Lay said.
"By the way, where is Mr. Kim? I thought he was at the scene just now?" I asked as I suddenly remembered him.
"He is at the police station to settle about Gi Taek, and his secretary, Eunji.Thank God he can help us" Chen said.
"I see, urm guys, can you let me talk to Suho? " I asked their permission.
"Okay then, we will give you two privacy so we will all go out and go to Jihyo's room okay?" Kyungsoo said.
"Alright then" I said and they are all leave the room except for Suho.
"What is it you want to talk about? " Suho take a seat beside my bed.
"It's about Jihyo" I said.
"Urm, Baekhyun, I know you love her, you want her to be with you, but you can see her condition now. Her emotion is not stable, she might tried to kill herself again.She will be out of control if we didn't take a good care of her" Suho said.
"She's not crazy!" I raised my voice.
"I am not saying that she is crazy but i am trying to explain that we need to stabilize her emotion again with letting her happy.You know what,if bad things keep happening to her like this,she might lost her own self.She might be so depressed,plus we didnt know what else happened to her in the past with her father right?Remember?Her father sold her,her mom died infront of her just like she had told us before,if i am not strong as her,i think i will go crazy with all of these.See,this means she still can handle all of this,she is strong woman,so do you Baekhyun!" Suho explained.Suho is really great at giving motivation.
"I know" I replied shortly.
"Baekhyun,I know you are a strong man, I admit that we can't easily move on in love but, for her to get herself back, you have to, Jihyo is not the only woman in this world, and I am not blocking your way to get Jihyo,because we don't know about Jihyo's truth feeling. So, I am just giving an advice. " Suho patted my shoulder.
"She loves Sehun, I know, I can see from her eyes even she's never confess. " I said as I look down.
"That's why I don't want to fall in love yet, I am still not ready,because loving can hurt" Suho feels the sadness that i have been through.He then hugged me.
"Suho,please tell Sehun everything that i did to Jihyo,it was an acting" I said.
"Okay Baekhyun,anything?" He asked.I just shake off my head slowly.
"I want to have a look at Jihyo now,wont you mind?Are you okay to be alone for a while?" He asked.
"I am okay,but dont leave me alone for hours,i need friend to chat" I make a joke.
"Haha,okay then,dont worry!"Suho said as he leaving room .
I feel lonely as soon as they are all gone.I keep looking at the ceiling, thinking about everything that I have done towards Jihyo. Maybe this is the lesson for treating her like a cheap woman even if I am pretending.But, I feel bad for her because I meant my kiss towards her. I am acting, yes but the kiss is not an acting, I am feeling the actual feel just now and my hands gone far railing her body, I still can remember it. I am sorry Jihyo, it's truth that I am actually jealous looking at you and Sehun but now I realized it, you are the kindest woman I had ever met, so I will be happy to see you happy again. I will make sure you get your real happiness back that you ever dreamt since you were young Jihyo.I promise you.

Author's note:Omg, poor our Baekkie 😭😭😭,am I so cruel? Oh gosh, such a bad writer ToT but, it's part of my imagination. So, I can't help it kekeke. Mianhae for Baek-Hyo shippers,I didn't meant to break ur heart but it's just a fan fiction keke, don't be sad.I love both Baek-Hyo and Se-Hyo couple. Baekkie is too cute auchh.I want to write about exo's maknae because Sehun has a fierce and serious look when he didn't smile grrrr.So,for me Sehun's face is suit for this character.Baek-Hyo is the sweetest tho :) .Baekkie is always a sweet guy xD! I will write about his sweet scene in the next chapter and I don't know yet what chapter it will be keke.Oh yes,if you are not Song Jihyo's fans or exo fans or you think the character that I chose are not suit at all then feel free to imagine the hero and heroin that you like XD. Ya, not everyone has the same taste right?LOVE 😘😘 from author-nim.

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