C H A P T E R 28

284 17 0

[A/N]:My mind is not at a clear state right now after watching #mama2017 oh my god,this is such painful for me especially after Baekhyun's speech 'exols uljjima' which means exols dont cry 😭 and my tears start to fall down immediately.Yeah but its okay!We know exo deserves more than that,we know our boys!We believe in their talents.Okay,lets have a fandom hugs now 😂🙆🏻‍♀️.But our chanyeol oppa is crying!Omg,i cant.I bet he is so sad on what had happened to exo but yeah ,exols are all crying,same thing goes to exo oppa.Remember exols,Chen said 'exols are our strength!' .Yeah!EXO saranghaja!엑소 파이팅!울지마!
So back to this chapter,i dont know if my mind got influenced about what happened tonight (1/12/17) after watching mama2017.I bet my mind is quite not right to create this chapter tonight but still i want to write though .Forgive me if this chapter is super ridiculous hahaha XD.



"I hope that you can help us to give statement about your dad Miss Song" Mr.Lee said.
"I will Mr.Lee" I nodded agree.
"So,do you know that your father got involved in dangerous drug?" He asked strictly.
"Yes i know,he took it since he gone bankrupt,he had a very stressful day and at one night i saw him dealing with his close friend,talking about drugs supplier and so on" I replied honestly.
"Do you know his friend or the supplier?" He asked again.
"Yes,his name is Mr.Yang Tae Hyuk,he once tried to rape me at our home,and after that i ran away from home and never come back" I replied.
"He tried to rape you?My goodness,im so sorry Miss Song" Mr Lee became symphatized.
"No no,its okay,i am fine now,its an old past though" I laughed bitterly.
"So whats the point he kidnapped you that day?" Mr.Lee asked again.
"Urm,i think that he just want to get money from them all" I pointed to the guys.
"Yes sir,he is surely want some money from us" Sehun agreed.
"Where is your mom?May i know what happened?" Mr.Lee gives another question.
"Ah" I became sensitive hearing about my mom.I just dont want to remember anything at all.A tear suddenly drop from my eyes.I tried to cover.
"Ah Mr.Lee,can i give statement about that?Because Miss Song might be sad to remember what happened" Sehun comfort me while patting my back.
"No,i will give the statement" I said while wiping my tears.I gain the strength again to speak.
"Actually,my mother already died in the hands of my father,urm...father always beat her,kick her as she was a punching bag ,yah,like that" I smiled.
"Okay,maybe thats enough for our investigation about your father's background.Thank you for the cooperation Miss Song" Mr.Lee stand up from his chair and thanks me and the guys.We walk out from the police station.
"Sehun" I called him.
"Huh?" He turned to look at me.
"I think i want to go back to my old house" I said as i need to find a prove about what my father had told me before.
"What?Right now?" Sehun raised his eyebrows while i nodded.
"I can go alone" I smiled eventhough actually i dont want to go alone.But,i dont really want to include him in my problems.
"Oh ,of course i wont let you go alone" Sehun said strictly.
"No,i will be just fine though" I said .
"No!I will accompany you there" Sehun said.
"But...i think we should inform the others first" I suggested.
"Yes but lets wait a little bit because ,i think they discuss something inside there maybe,with Suho's father" Sehun explained.
"Ah..okay then" I took a sit a the bench outside to wait for the other guys.
"Yah,are you going to sit alone there?Not even invites me there to sit huh?" Sehun glared me.I just laugh looking at his reactions.He is sulking now!Hahah.
"Yes dear,my Oh Sehun,come and lets have a seat here first okay" I called him and pointed the space beside me.He suddenly smiles sweetly.
"Ah,that's really good to hear,it's hard to hear you speak softly to me" He laughed.
"Yah,i didnt talk badly to you before" I glared him.
"Look look,there she is,turns to bad Jihyo" He pointed my face and i bit his pointing finger.Serve him right!Huh!
"Auch" He screamed.
"Wah Song Jihyo,you bite me?" He suddenly leaned forward me.
"You for sure want to taste my bite huh" He grinned and i pushed him away.
"Yah ,we are at the police station" I mad at him.
"Hahahah and look who scared" He said while laughing and leaned back to the bench.
"Hey guys" Kyungsoo called us.
"Yes oppa?" I replied.
"We still didnt finish with Suho's dad,we have works to settle.It about the international business that we are about to launch next month" Kyungsoo said when the other guys went out from the police station.
"Ah i see,so you all want to go the office now?" I asked for sure.
"It seems that way" Suho said.
"Yes,we need to plan a proper strategy so that our business chance wont got robbed by someone irresponsible that doesnt even deserve it" Chen said.
"or else...we will let the world cry with dissapointment and frustration" Baekhyun continued while hugging Chanyeol.
"Yah,you are overacted" Kris said as he hit Baekhyun's head lightly.
"We have talent in business,we deserve more,lol" Xiumin said.
"Okay then,so you guys can just go,i want to go back to my old home for a while" I said.
"Huh?I wont let you going alone there" Baekhyun strictly said.
"...actually,WE wont let you go there alone" Kai glared Baekhyun.
"Eyy,this kid" Baekhyun annoyed.
"I will accompany her"Sehun volunteered himself.
"Then you can go with Sehun okay?Sehun,dont be careless,watch her out,and dont stay there too long" Suho reminded us.
"Okay hyung" Sehun said and we are all departing.

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