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   "Hell yeah we do!" Eric yelled. "What the hell is your deal?!"

  "My deal?"

  "Yeah! You save us from some tree in a truck that you stole, drive us halfway across the city to some apartment building and then you almost shoot this idiot over here!"

  Aw, he cared that I almost got shot.

  The British man cracked a dry smile and he chuckled. "You know, you almost sound upset that I saved your lives."

  "It's not that." Amelia said. "We appreciate you saving us but we have no idea who you are, or why you did that."

  "Alright." The British man said as he pulled out his gun. My heart leapt for a moment but he simply put it on his table. "Well, first off, my name is Connor."

  "Wow, thanks Connor." Eric spitefully said. "At least I'll know the name of the guy I am going to beat if he doesn't answer our questions."

  "Alright, fine." The British – I mean, Connor said. "I was busy driving through the city in a stolen truck when I saw a bunch of zombies attacking some children. I knew I had to help them so I did."

  "By slamming the truck into the tree?" Mfundo questioned him.

  "I'll admit, that wasn't my finest idea but I wasn't thinking clearly. What with the city descending into chaos around us and all."

  "Okay, I'm sitting down." I said as I moved to a chair and sat down. It actually felt good to relax and rest. I honestly didn't know if I would've been able to stand any longer.

  "Where'd you get the truck?" Mfundo asked him. 

  "I figured that question was coming. Well, I had been running away from zombies for the better half of fifty minutes and I was incredibly tired out. I had no idea how I was going to survive but then I just saw this garbage truck with its door left wide open. So I seized the moment, leapt in and found the keys already in the ignition. So, I drove."

  "What happened to the driver?" I asked, probably the most irrelevant question any of us had asked so far.

  The British – Connor shrugged. "I don't know. There was blood on the door but I didn't think to ask."

  "Great!" Eric said. "So we're a bunch of children in some apartment with a random stranger who, for all we know, is a goddamn child-murderer!" Connor raised an eyebrow at Eric and I shifted uneasily in my chair.

  "What Eric means to say," Amelia swooped in to save the situation, "is that we barely know anything about who you are."

  "I don't think my past life is important now." He said quickly.

  "Oh, I think it is." Eric said. He looked livid. His face was an angry red, his fists were clenched and he looked like he wanted to punch somebody very, very hard.

  "No, it's not." Mfundo said. He looked at Connor with a smile and said, "Thank you for helping us out but I fear you just made it harder for me to find my mom. So, thank you again, but I have to leave."

  Mfundo turned around but Eric put a hand on his shoulder. "Do you think that's a good idea?" Mfundo shoved Eric's hand off of his shoulder.

  "What? Is it a good idea to try and find my mother in the middle of all this zombie crap? To try and save her!" Mfundo didn't fully turn to Eric but his anger was clear in his movements as he limped towards the doorway.

F*** Cancer, This One Did Us All In.Where stories live. Discover now