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Violet's room was just like everybody else's, well, minus the pieces of paper that seemed to be everywhere. She had a single mattress lying on the floor, with a sink and a toilet attached to the wall. It was a simple room, but I still had to make sure I didn't step on any sheet of paper because, seriously, they were everywhere.

"You can sit on my bed, if you want." She said as she sat down as well.

"So," I said as I sat down, "how are you?"

She smiled and tucked a strand of black hair behind her ear. "Oh, I'm doing well. How about yourself? Are you adjusting here?"

"It's not bad. Oh, and thank you again for letting the three of us stay here."

She waved it off with a smile on her face. "Nah, it was nothing."

It really wasn't. It was evening when they voted on whether the three of us would stay here. Apparently they did it with any new person who came across their hospital and, apparently, they had voted people away. I think it was only because we were friends with Daniel's sister that we were allowed to stay. Six people voted for us and, Violet was one of them.

"So, why'd you call me?" I asked her. She pursed her lips and tucked her knees under her chin.

"How well do you know Amelia and Daniel?"

I raised my right eyebrow and looked at her curiously. "Um, well, I know Amelia pretty well. After all, I have been friends with her for three years, since 2014. She barely mentioned Daniel in the three years I knew her, hell, I only found out she had a brother last year. But, from the times I have talked to him, he kind of seems like an ass."

Violet nodded and moistened her lips with her tongue. Green, thoughtful eyes looked at me and she said, "He's just been through a lot these past few days. I know," she said when she saw me about to protest. "So has Amelia. The only problem is they need to talk to each other and sort this out."

"No." I said. "The last time they tried that, well, it didn't end well."

"I know, I know. But, Theodore, this is killing Daniel. He may act like an ass sometimes but he actually does care. We just need to get Amelia to realise that."

"Yeah, not going to happen. She can be pretty damn stubborn at times, but she has reached new levels with Daniel."

Violet rubbed her forehead with her thumb and said, "Theodore, you guys are new here but we have developed a sort of community out here. Sierra and Linda primarily run things over here. Pierre, Jacob, Annie and Daniel are mostly sent for the Outside missions and everybody else protects and maintains this place. We all trust each other and we've become friends. Because of that I'm concerned when one of my friends are obviously struggling and I can't help them."

"What can I do about that?" I asked her.

Violet sighed and looked me right in my eyes, making me feel nervous and anxious. "Please, just talk Amelia. I've been trying my best with Daniel, but he is so goddamn adamant about not telling her."

"He's not telling her something?" I asked.

Violet's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Nope, never mind. It's not my secret to tell. Just, please talk to her."

I was a little sceptical, so I asked, "Why me? Why do you even care?"

"Like I said, I just can't stand to see my friends in pain. And you were the first friend of Amelia I saw."

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