3~Morning is a murderer

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That night you barely slept despite your exhaustion. You were too excited to sleep, too happy to close your eyes. You couldn't stop thinking about Emma and Phil and Zoe and Alfie and Louise and Joe and, though you would never tell Emma this, Dan. You were too happy to be back where all your friends were to fall asleep and you didn't close your eyes until after two AM.

You woke up the next morning to the sound of your godawful alarm ringing very close to your ear. As usual you slapped your phone screen until you managed to hit the snooze button, going back to sleep immediately. Ten minutes later, your alarm went off, playing the terrible apple ringtone you had chosen. "Shaddup," you mumble to the sound, not moving or opening your eyes. Thankfully it didn't say anything back, just blaring in your ear some more. "Turn that bloody thing off!" Emma hollered from her bedroom which was right next to yours.

You groaned and tried pressing snooze again but, being unable to find the button, ended up chucking your phone at the wall. You heard a loud thud, then a crash then another thud but the alarm still didn't stop. "What the fuck was that?!" Emma yelled, throwing open your bedroom door. You still had your eyes closed as you grumbled something about your phone and stupid fucking alarms and how if you could you would grab your phone and throw it out the damn window. Emma made an annoyed sound. "It's too fucking early for you chucking your phone." You groaned and finally cracked your eyes open. The light in the room made you groan again. "What time is it?" You asked Emma.

"Ten-twenty," she mumbled. This woke you up. "Shit! I have to be at Zoe's at noon! That's a full hour-and-a-half drive!" You exclaimed, jumping out of bed blearily and immediately tripping over your suitcase, falling face first on the thinly carpeted floor. "Shit!" You exclaimed, trying to push yourself back onto your feet. Of course Emma was laughing like a mad person as you grabbed some clothes and pushed past her, rushing to the bathroom. You threw the door shut behind you and peeled your pajamas off of you before turning on the shower and jumping in. First the water was much too cold, then much too hot. You ignored the burn of the water on your back as you scrubbed your hair with shampoo and washed off your body quickly. You turned off the shower, just barely washing the suds off of your head.

You didn't pay any attention to the now raw skin on your back as you roughly dragged the towel over your body, wiping away all he water droplets. You pulled on your underwear then the pair of black skinny jeans you had at the top of your suitcase. After you pulled on a grey tank-top and tight Harry Potter hoodie you quickly blow dried your hair, not wanting the cool London air to turn your hair to icicles. Even though it was only mid-October it was already very chilly most days because England's weather was so fucked up.

After blow-drying your hair, you left it down, pulling one of your black beanies over your head. You didn't bother putting on makeup as it was only Zoe. Though she was a total makeup guru, she had always respected your decision of usually not wearing it. You threw open the bathroom door after hanging up the towel and sprinted back to your bedroom. You pushed the door open, not acknowledging Emma who was sitting on your bed, still in her pajamas.

You quickly pulled your converse on and looked around for your phone. "Where...?" You started. Then you saw it. It was on the floor next to the desk across from your bed. You rushed over to it and picked it up, your eyes wide. "My phone." You whimpered. "My precious phone." The screen was very cracked, starting in the bottom left corner and spreading out through almost the entire screen. Emma sniggered quietly from her spot on the bed. "That's what you get for throwing your phone at the freaking desk." She muttered.

You glared at her but still slipped your phone into your pocket. "I'm taking your car today." You told her as you went in search of your wallet. "What? Why?" She asked. "Because I don't have one and I don't want to take the train." You explained. She grumbled something you couldn't make out before telling you where the keys were. "Bye, have fun." She said as you left your room. "Bye!" You called back, running downstairs. You grabbed a granola bar form the kitchen before quickly pulling out you phone and, with some difficulty, texting Zoe that you would be about a half-hour late.

You quickly grabbed Emma's keys and exited the house. You opened the car door and plonked yourself in the drivers seat, quickly starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. You heard Zoe text back but didn't dare look at your texts for fear of crashing. When you stopped at a stop light, you pulled up Zoe's text and read it as quickly as you could.

From: Zoe Sugg

Of course you're gonna be late. Didn't expect anything else form you.

You grinned and then pulled up your music, putting on All Time Low and turning it all the way up. You finished just as the light turned green. You pulled onto the Highway a few minutes later and smiled to yourself, glad to be back.


Heya. I'm super sorry that the chapters so far have been boring and short and stuff. I don't mean for them to be but I also don't wanna rush anything so I'm kinda taking it slow. Hopefully the next chapter will be a bit better and longer. I'm super tired today so I don't know if i'll start writing it or not yet. I guess we'll just have to find out. Anyway, I hope I didn't scare anyone off with the terribleness of this chapter. Sorry again. Also, I know exactly how I'm gonna end this story and I know that everyone is going to absolutely hate me for it. Sorry not sorry

Published: 9/25/16

Word count: 937

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