5~Pancake disaster

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That night, you drove back to Emma's house, playing your music as loud as you could once more. Almost exactly ten minutes after you walked in the front door, your phone chimed with a new text. You glanced at your cracked phone screen and smiled slightly as you saw that it was Dan who was texting you.

It said:

Wanna film that collab with me tomorrow before dinner?

You smiled and quickly replied with:

Sure thing. When and where?

He replied a few seconds later with:

Emma's house? Noon?

You smiled and texted back a quick 'sounds good,' before turning off your phone and putting it on the counter. Emma came into the room just then and jumped slightly when she saw you. "Jesus Christ, I didn't hear you come in." She mumbled, walking over to the sink and putting a water glass in the left side of it. You grinned. "I will be taking advantage of the fact that you aren't used to me living here." Emma stuck her tongue out at you. "Rude," she told you. "Very, very rude, you are." You gave an angelic smile and said simply, "I know. Oh, Dan is coming over to film a video with me tomorrow at noon, okay?" Emma smirked slightly but nodded. "Of course."

You rolled your eyes as Emma left the room. You followed her up the stairs to your bedroom and entered the small room with bare walls and plain furniture. You still hadn't gotten around to unpacking your stuff so the room was fairly Un-customized which you were just about ready to change. You had brought some of your posters from your old apartment in New York and you were excited to put them up. You opened up your second suitcase and began rummaging through it, regretting the fact that you had put the stack of posters in the very bottom of the case.

Your hand finally made contact with the half-inch thick stack of paper. You wrenched it out from under some books and DVDs and your laptop. After a whole thirty-seconds of pushing stuff aside so you could pull them out, the stack of posters came into sight. You smiled when you saw that the top poster was one from Dan and Phil's tour in America. Of course you had gone to the show when they were near you and hung out with Phil afterward. Dan had been so tired that he completely crashed after the show whereas Phil made sure to have extra caffeine that day so he could hang out with you until past midnight.

You smiled at the memory and pulled out the stack of posters. You stood up and set them down on your bed before going in search of some tape. You left the room and walked over to Emma's. You knocked on the door and a slightly muffled 'come in' answered you. You pushed open the door and poked your head into the room. Emma was sat on her bed with her laptop and only barely looked up when you came in. "You got any tape?" You asked her. Emma nodded and next thing you knew, a roll of scotch tape was flying at you. You ducked just in time for it to pass right over your head. "Oi!" You exclaimed. Emma shrugged. "I thought you'd catch it." You gave her a, you-have-got-to-be-kidding-me, look and said, "You know I can't catch stuff!" Emma gave you a sheepish grin. "Sorry," though she didn't sound very sorry.

You rolled your eyes at her and shut the door, looking for the tape that nearly beheaded you. After about a minute of searching, you saw the roll in the corner by the stairs. You bent over, picked it up and padded back over to your room. You left the door open and walked over to the bed where you picked up the Amazing Tour Is Not On Fire, poster and tore off a piece of tape.


It took you at least an hour to get all of the posters taped up. You hadn't even brought all of them from your apartment in New York yet the walls of your room were now covered from top to bottom with posters of all shapes and sizes. You had band posters, book posters, a few posters with dogs on them, movie posters and many, many more. You stood back to admire your work when you had finally put up the last poster. Your walls were covered in all of the shiny, printed paper. You smiled, satisfied with your work. You glanced at your wrist where a blue watch with a gray wristband was and nearly jumped from the shock of how late it was already. Though you usually stayed up practically all night browsing Tumblr and looking at your friends' Instagram pictures, you were exhausted from your whole day of socializing, plus the terrible jet lag so 10:30 seemed late to you.

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