4~The Suggs

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The drive was long but you rather enjoyed being able to listen to your music out loud at top volume. You had lived with someone for your whole life. Whether it was your parents and Phil or a boyfriend or your college roommate or Emma, you had always had someone to occupy the space other than yourself.

That's why you always enjoyed car rides by yourself. You didn't have to use uncomfortable headphones or keep the volume low. You danced slightly in your seat as you drove, bobbing your head along to the beat happily. You smiled to yourself as one of your top favorite songs came on by Troye Sivan.

You drove for a long time, not stopping the whole trip. Finally, you pulled off the highway and into Brighton. You navigated your way through the streets, singing along to the music. When you pulled up to Zoe's you parked in her driveway and finished the song that was playing before you turned off your music and got of the car, tucking your phone in you back pocket.

You walked up the pathway to Zoe's front door and knocked, waiting patiently for someone to answer the door. "Its open!" Someone  called from inside. You turned the knob on the door and walked into he house. "Zoe?" You called. She came rushing around the corner and immediately wrapped her arms around you. "Y/N!" She squeaked happily, letting go of you as you grinned at her. "Hi, Zoe, how have you been?" Zoe grinned. "Great! How about you?"

You smiled. "No complaints," you shrugged. "Is that Y/N?" Alfie asked from the other room. "Hi, Alfie!" You called back. "'Ello!" He yelled back. Zoe led you into the lounge and Alfie got up to give you a hug. "Louise and Joe are gonna be here in about half-an-hour." Zoe informed you as the three of you sat back down. You smiled. "Awesome, I haven't seen them in forever."

Alfie grinned. "It's been so long! How was New York?" You shrugged. "It was cool but I did miss it here." Zoe nodded. "I bet. You lived here for the first eighteen years of your life." You smiled softly, remembering how great it was when you lived here.

You and Zoe and Alfie talked for a long time about many things. About your movie–they were just as frustrated as Emma, Dan and Phil when you wouldn't tell them what movie it was–and about how different New York was from England as well as about their books and YouTube channels. Zoe even snuck in the usual question of, "Anyone special you haven't wanted to tell me about?" to which you responded with your usual, "If I haven't wanted to tell you about someone, why would I do it now? Though the answer is no."

When the doorbell rang the first time, you and Zoe went to get it. There stood Louise, hair down and makeup looking perfect. "Louise!" You exclaimed, throwing your arms around her. "Y/N! It's been so long! How are you?" You grinned. "Never better." You let her go and she hugged Zoe. "Chummy!" Zoe said happily.

The three of you made your way back into the lounge where Alfie still sat with his laptop open. "Hey, Louise," he said, not exactly looking up from the screen. Louise smiled. "Hey!" You all sat down once again, chatting happily. A few minutes later, the door opened once again and Joe walked into the house. "Where are you guys?" He called. "In the lounge!" The four of you chorused.

A few minutes later, Joe poked his head around the corner into he room. When he saw you, you grinned. "Joe!" You stood up to give him a hug. "How are you?" You asked, releasing him. He smiled back and answered with a simple "Good". You surreptitiously glanced up and down at him, noticing that Emma had been right about him looking pretty damn good now.

You sat back down next to Zoe and Joe sat down next to Alfie. "So, what's it like living in the big city of New York?" Joe asked, leaning forward as though he was expecting you to tell him a big secret. You played along, leaning forward as well and saying in a very serious tone, "Smelly." The other four burst out laughing. "I'm not even kidding." You said, grinning. "New York City smells really bad."

They all continued sniggering. "Sounds pleasant." Joe snorted. You nodded with fake enthusiasm. "Absolutely lovely," you said in an extra posh voice. "You know, you have a bit of an accent." Alfie said. "No," you said disbelievingly. "I can't have an accent after only about six years there." They all gave you pointed looks. "Okay, okay, six years is a long time, but still." Zoe patted your back pityingly. "Little miss New York Accent." She teased. You stuck your tongue out at her.

"Rude. That's rude." You said, pointing your finger accusingly at her. Zoe grinned back at you. "I know." You rolled your eyes just as your phone chimed int our pocket. You pulled it out and everyone gasped. "What did you do to it?!" Joe shrieked. "I chucked it at my dresser 'cause the alarm wouldn't stop." You muttered, busying yourself with reading the text. It was from an unfamiliar number and you furrowed your brow at it.

"Anyone know who's number this is?" You asked. They all peeked over your shoulder at the screen. "That's Dan," Louise told you. You smiled at her. "Thanks." You opened the text and quickly created a contact for him before reading it once more.

From: :Dan the meme Lord

Phil is wondering if you want to come for dinner tomorrow but he can't find his phone so he told me to text you :p

You smiled and quickly texted back

Next time you text me from an unknown number, say who it is. Louise had to tell me it was you. And I'd love to. Should I bring Em?

You put your phone back in your pocket, looking up to see that the other four had gotten into another conversation about something or other. You noticed that your face was rather hot and your heart was beating quickly, but you ignored the thought, quickly joining in with the conversation once more.


Ello. I'm sorry this update kinda took a while. And I'm also sorry that this is so boring so far. It's too... domestic. I hope you guys haven't topped reading. I have big plans for this story but I don't want them to move to quickly. So for a bit it might be rather dull. I'll try to make it better when I can but I want to keep this at a kind of normal pace. not like, fall in love with Dan in the first few words and have you guys breaking up in the fourth. So yeah, I'll do my best to make the next chapter more interesting. Love you all and please vote and comment. Later

Published: 9/30/16

Word count: 1040

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