Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes. Sungmin was still sleeping. He was so beautiful while sleeping. He looked peaceful. I couldn't help but smile.

I put my arm around his waist.

"You better move it Cho." he said.

I had a shock, I thought he was sleeping.

"Why should I?" I asked while smiling. He opened his eyes and looked at me.

"Or I'll hurt you." he smiled at me.

"Like you did last night? If anything I think I hurt you more."

"I bet you won't be able to move when you have to get up."

"Are you sure about that?" I sat up and damn, I had so much pain. Everywhere in my body, there was pain.

Sungmin started laughing.

"Told you so." he got up and walked to the bathroom.

How could he just walk like that? Isn't he in pain at all?

I laid back down, trying to relieve the pain.

"Why is it every time I'm near you I'm either emotionally or physically in pain?" I yelled to him.

"It's because you're stupid." he said as he walked back to the room. He got on the bed and laid on top of me so we were face to face. He looked at me, smiling. I smiled back as I kissed him. He started laughing and laid his head on my chest.

"Would we be considered a couple now?" he asked.

"That depends, what do you think?"

"I think I should leave. I have work and I need to shower because I'm pretty sure I'm covered with sweat and some other things."

"You're seriously going to leave? I feel like we just had a one night stand and this meant nothing to you."

"It's because it was nothing!" He got off me and sat on the bed.

"I don't like you and you know that. You don't like me and I know that. We hate each other, that's why we fight. The only time we didn't fight or argue was last night. So pretty much we aren't dating because why date someone you hate?" he looked at me seriously.

I laid there in shock from what he just said.

"I'm gonna go. Thanks for the night. Lets continue not knowing each other. It's embarrassing. Stick to being my customer." He got up. I heard the door open and realized that he left.

Stick to being his costumer? We just did it and all he can say is that? What an asshole. No wonder he hasn't been laid for a while. That cold hearted jerk. Why did I even like him? He has no heart at all. No wonder he was a murderer once in his life.

I checked the time. 3:00pm.

Did we really wake up this late? Or did I just lay here ever since? Is it too early to go get a drink?

After minutes of thinking I finally got up. The pain was still there. I'm not sure how it felt. It was a good pain but also something I wanted to go away.

I put my clothes on, grabbed my keys and walked out of the hotel room.

I guess it's not that late for a drink.

I started walking down the street, towards to what I think was near my house. I had a huge headache and I was limping towards the house.

"Are you okay?" I turned around and saw a little boy staring at me.

I kneeled down.

"Yes I'm fine. You should be at school."

"It's Saturday."

I stared at him blankly. I then stood up, patted his head and walked again.

As I walked towards my house, there was a small flower cart.

I should buy some flowers for Sungmin. He needs to know my real feelings for him.

"How much for the baby's breath?" I asked the Ahjumma running the cart.

"Is it for a loved one?"

I nodded. She handed me the flowers and told me to leave. I started walking back home, weirded out by how she didn't want me to pay.

I walked up the stairs and stopped in front of Sungmins door. I placed the bouquet in front of the door and walked up to my room.

I laid on the couch. Trying to fall asleep. My insomnia was acting up again. I should go to a bar or something....


"You can not have alcohol in your system Mr. Cho Kyuhyun. Don't even try to drink. If you drink it then you'll get really sick and maybe die."

I nodded and left the room.

Trying to use hypnosis on me? Hah yeah right.


Ha yeah right. I should just go get a drink. I got up and made up my mind. I'm drinking again.

I walked into the bar and ordered a bottle of Soju.


"Kyuhyun?" a voice said. I opened my eyes but my vision was blurry. I had a major headache and felt like I'll puke any minute. I rubbed my eyes and my sight got back into focus.

It was Yesung.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?" I asked, trying not to sound in pain.

"You called me last night while you were drunk." he said while looking disappointed at me.

"Don't give me that face." I put my hand on his forehead and dragged it down his face.

"I thought you quit drinking?"

"I did but I couldn't help it."

I closed my eyes again. I felt dizzy just by having my eyes opened.

"This is your own fault. By the way there's a note on your fridge. Sungmin came in to check on you as always. Are you guys dating or something? You guys are always together it seems..." He got up and walked out of the room.

I tried to get up but fell on my face.

I got back up and walked to the kitchen. I grabbed my pitcher of water and drank half of it. I was starting to get into my senses. I put the water back in the fridge and looked up and saw the note in the middle of my fridge.

I'm allergic to Baby's breath


Wow that was a nice move Kyuhyun.

"So you gave this guy flowers?" I jumped from the sudden voice behind me.

"Aish! Don't do that! It's terrifying." I turned and sat on my couch.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes I got him flowers. Go away!"

Yesung smiled and sat next to me.

"Do you remember what you did last night?"

"No. Why?"

"Just try and remember..."

I looked at him, confusingly. I then shut my eyes and tried to think of what happened last night.

Yesung? Come get me! I miss you so much why did you leave me? I'm in pain! The guy I might love hates me and I don't know what to do!

I opened my eyes and looked at Yesung. He raised an eyebrow.

"I called you and told you to come get me and such?"

"Anything else?" I shook my head and laid back.

"You said some weird stuff...I think it was something like 'we fucked and it was amazing' By the way you left me that as a voice mail. Ryeowookie was terrified of what was happening."

I then stood up and walked towards the front door.

"Where are you going?"

"To get a better gift." I said as I walked out the door.

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