Chapter 1 Act 1 Scene One

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Act 1 Scene One

2/21/16 I don't think I have ever seen worse. A ton of work done :)
9/16/16 oh yeah there's worse
I pressed the bound paper to my chest the crisp smell of books assaulted my sense and in my spare moment I sipped a bit of my coffee.
I had my pen I had my brand spanking new in the sense I retrieved it from where it had fallen under my desk in a daring mission, notebook and life are good.
Finally, a spare moment! I could barely contain my excitement as I scribbled furiously on the sheet of paper before me.
I tightly gripped the pen with the barest pause to examine my writing with a smile I pressed the tip of the pen to the page. It was coming along nicely!
Really I should have been more focused on the Quiz.
But it was Wednesday and who honestly could?
Tryouts were today!
You're probably wondering what I'm talking about if you haven't heard of it yet which I kinda doubt, from all my other entries ...
It's big here at Mackenly Charter the way a Real Madrid Vs. Barcelona soccer match in Spain has overturned cars included.
Fine maybe I'm exaggerating a little, ok maybe a lot but you get the point it's big.
Nothing I mean nothing was going to keep me from playing the main part in this year's Premiere, "Cinderella ".
Which have you guessed it ding ding is shockingly about the fairy tale Cinderella!
I only needed to watch myself on the high notes and keep up my grades like I promised daddy.
Easy peasy, lemon squeezy.
I had been practicing since the first little hint had been given.
Now I had been minding my own innocent business trying to be cast for the leading role.
That is until it happened I was accosted in a manner most foul!
She Jesse -something because everyone needs a middle name, Sullivan .
Walked into auditions fringe, high laced boots, with what I think was (I wrinkled my nose at this) swagger and all and requested to be taken to Mrs. Mangrove.
So of course, I confronted her determined to rid this temple no shrine to the arts of such a foul demon.
"What are you doing here," I questioned, hoping for a quick answer.
" I came to watch you lovely ladies work " she winked at me the nerve!
Nobody had ever winked at me!
I didn't have time for this going over my positions on set was more important than this nonsense.
Ignoring my blush I took a deep breath stood up to my full height all ready to give her a piece of my ever loving mind note the sarcasm and said
" If you're here to cause trouble you best scram, run along now shoo the exit is that way all trash must be taken out."
"Why no Rav I wouldn't dare " She drawled, in what I could only describe as a mocking manner gave me a quick once over and licked her lips suggestively before I could yell some more she interrupted me,
"I've been told staying out of troubles in my best interests at the moment unless you're in the mood for a quickie?" My bane asked appearing all to delighted at the prospect. She finished the statement off with, you guessed it another wink.
Oh, That was it time to perform an exorcism, after all, how hard could it be to get rid of one creature of her ilk.
"My names Ravanna Like savannah without the S, not Ra, Rav, Rara, tiki two or some variation thereof! "
Jesse nodded her head.
"Gotcha so Rav it is"
"For the last time, it's Ravvana"
"Exactly it's Rav I won't make the mistake again"
"Are you even Listening to me I'm trying to have a serious conversation over here !"
I glared actually I was feeling a bit less stressed after scolding her, funny what some good old yelling can do.
" I'm trying and I'm failing to have a serious conversation and for that I'm sorry" she paused at my doubtful expression "Really, honest I am, cross my heart."
"Hope you die."
"You're delightful as always"
"Bite me."
"Don't mind if I do when and where chickadee?"
I growled lowly in warning.
"You have to be one of the most--the most-"
"Attractive? Lovely? Stunning? Fabulous" Jessie grinned.
"I was going to say infuriating."
"Ah well, that works too. Anyway, I think RV suits you, it's short easy to say and cute like you." Jessie said appearing nonplussed.
"You, you, you- " I stuttered my face flaming red. I am not short I'm close to satan.
Mad you ask oh was I ever. The kinda mad that induced tea parties or violent protests. Which exactly now there's a question.
Hold a measure did she just call me cute?
"Yes I did Rav and if you're wondering it's not considered mentally if you holler it across the theater." Jessie smarted.
"So do tell us if you could be so kind, why you graced us with your-" Mrs.Mangrove took in her attire, then settled for "eccentric appearance. " The Drama teacher managed asking the very question I'd been trying to.
I figured eccentric was a polite term to call the severe grunge or is that scene look something emo corner? Eccentric was a word reserved for the rich and the strange. Jessie certainly didn't fit the criteria for the first part.
Neither did I .
Strange ?
Well we both had that down pat in different ways.
Of course, I have no idea how much that kinda dye job cost. Let alone where you could get one just so. I mean seriously torn jeans and parted hair that was silver tipped? All equipped to hunt werewolves.
Good thing Jessie didn't have many piercings, which I gave a slight shudder at the thought of getting. Then finally to top it all off was the cap.
Honestly, I had nothing against hats INFACT I was wearing one now, but if that chewed up thing was a "hat" then I am Spiderman. (I'd look good in a leotard. Would hug my curves and show off the butt.)
If she didn't leave soon I would be assisting.
I'm positive there's prop knife around here somewhere from Hamlet.
Jesse hid a grin under a downcast expression.
"Mr.Naruff said, I quote "I've had it!" She stated none to somberly for someone managing to annoy the famously mild-mannered science teacher.
Not sounding awfully repentant there.
"Well then."Mrs. Mangrove adjusted her glasses contemplating Jesse through them.
She let out worldly sigh and gave the glasses one last tweak as she was wont to do before grave announcements.
Mhmm. That's right, send her away! I resisted the urge to punch the air.
"Dear we best get started." Mrs. Mangrove gave Jesse a small smile and handed over an announcement paper.
Just what is going on?
"After all premiere musicals don't run themselves. If I remember correctly you are something of an artist "
"Yes, you could say that " Jesse answered
"Do you have former acting experience, " she asked curiously
"Some in elementary and over the course of the year, " Jessie said curtly.
"When? This wasn't some easy peasy child's food pyramid creation." I snapped
They both barely glanced my way.
Mrs. Mangrove waved her hand in dismissal.
" I do think that's quite enough out of you Mrs. Ravanna I'm talking to Jess here."
I had just been reprimanded. I was never reprimanded!
To my abject horror, the conversation carried on.
"Any good?" Mrs. Mangrove had dare I say a twinkle in her eye.
"I've been doing a fair bit recently."
"A fair bit?" What in blazes did that mean!
Jesse glanced at me with a lopsided grin.
"Enough to nail the lead role, Princess."
After that statement, Mrs.Mangrove seemed to give her an evaluating look as if sizing her up. Almost as if she were considering. No way,
"Ravanna. "
"Yes?" This was my moment to redeem myself. I got ready to escort her out. It was blasphemous to say we needed someone like- Like ..Her anywhere, that is but backstage if that!
"I believe she might be just tall enough don't you "
"Tall enough for what" I questioned nervously not liking the direction where this was going I'm sure she was tall enough to walk out the door.
She had, after all, come in that way with little trouble so what if she had to duck under the door frame.
Please don't say what I think you will I fervently prayed.
"Oh, but don't you know? Every princess needs her Prince" She replied thoughtfully.
With those heavy words my stomach dropped and fate sealed.
"And-" I repeated please no. This was down right crazy. Mrs. Mangrove has finally lost it gone off her senile rocker and the porch it sat on.
No, no, no, no! I silently pleaded more like at this point fervently whispered.
Jesse looked at me smirk back on in full force and smugness cranked to one hundred watts.
"I'll be your Princess Charming ."

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