Okay guys.
This is going to be a more serious topic.
People just do not understand...
They do not seem to understand that it isnt a topic to throw around...
Its a serious disease...
I dont care what you say...
Depression is a type of disease...
You cant just get rid of it with a say so...
I have depression.
I am suicidal.
I have been belemic.
I honestly just hate people that think that being sad for a day means they are depressed or cutting themselves once means they are suicidal or throwing up means they are belemic or skipping a meal makes them anorexic.
Depression isnt something that comes and goes...
Its something that is always there...
It just might fade lighter at times...
But then it comes back stronger than ever...
Being suicidal is horrible...
You can never think of enough ways to die...
And the bad thing is...
You dont want to do it but your mind does it...
Being belemic is a serious issue...
It isnt just throwing up a meal because of food poisoning...
Its making yourself purge your food up everyday...
Its very hard to stop...
It sucks..
Life sucks...
But you know what...It gets better...
You just have to believe...
Believe that you can...
It takes a strong person to go through this stuff...
But it takes a stronger person to get over this stuff...
It might seem impossible...
But nothing is impossible...
You are You...
Nobody can change that...
If you want to stay depressed or anything than so be it...
Im just trying to help..GOOD DAMN BYE!
- fellow_psychopath -P.S.
And yes...
I realise that this is coming from a former Depressed Suicidal Teenager...
But its coming from a heart...