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Hey guys!! So theres a big update that has happened currently in  my life. My fiance, Hailey, well shes moved out to where i live!! We are currently 11 months and I sure as hell couldnt be happier. I know its incredibly late and everything so i apologize. Shes currently asleep beside me and im on her laptop. I also dyed my hair guys!! I first dyed it pink and then went blue, but the blue turned out purple. My hairs currently purple and white because of a pool during the summer. It was fun but not so fun for my hair. Everything has gotten so much better for me and that just proves that if you keep holding on, youll get through the tough parts in life. Just stay strong guys. Ill be back soon. <3


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2018 ⏰

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