Chapter 2

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As mum and I were on our way to the station, I remembered a family I haven't thought of in years yet still remember everything about them... You've heard of the Pevensies, right? No? Well then, the Pevensies are very kind people, well... except their youngest son, Edmund, he can be quite moody.

     There's Mr. Pevensie, who is probably in the war right now along with my father, I've never seen him much because he was always working, but I've heard that he is a great man from his family and my parents. I have also heard that he is afraid of telephones.

     Then there's Mrs. Pevensie, she is the nicest lady that you will ever meet, but don't tell my own mother that. She was like a second mother to me and treated me like her own child. She along with Mum would bake cookies and muffins for us children and always set picnics on the front lawn in the summer. She'd always let me borrow ribbons for my hair or sneak me an extra cookie when Mum wasn't looking. It didn't happen a lot, but I remember when her children and I would get out of hand sometimes, that's when scary Mrs. Pevensie would come out. She would yell for a little, but it always became a sincere and comforting lesson learner in the end that set us all straight. I could only imagine how her kids grew up to act.

     The eldest Pevensie child was Peter. I remember Peter and I being the closest of friends since we were the same in age. Always watching over baby Lucy - who was the youngest - and sometimes playing mum and dad in our family games. I haven't seen the Pevensies for around several years, so Peter would be fifteen I believe. Of course at times I wished for him to still be around along with his other siblings, but because of Mr. Pevensie's job they had to move closer to London.

     Susan was the eldest daughter, only a year younger than Peter and I. It wasn't hard to spot that Susan was a smart and gentle person. Sometimes annoying but I remember how much we loved her, the closest thing I had to a best friend since we were so close in age. Yet I remember whenever Peter and I were doing something that wasn't an angel's work, she would scurry off and tell her mum or mine, a worry wort and a tattler she was. I remember how we'd braid each other's hair quite poorly, but we never cared.

     Next in line is Edmund, or what we call him, Ed. He's alright... if you call loud, mean, mischievous, and a brat at times. I remember he would always pick on Susan and I and Peter would come in to save the day. Ed also had a knack for messing with baby Lucy. He cried when things didn't go his way sometimes. He was the runt but deep down we all cared for him. At times when he seemed like in a bad mood, he would still remain a quiet shadow by our side always up to play whatever games we had in store for the day as if secretly he cared for us deeply too.

     Last but definitely not least is Lucy, the angel of the family. Lucy is probably the cutest girl you will ever meet, she has a bright imagination and loves adventures, and also a sister to me. I remember if Peter and Ed were playing some boy game which girls weren't allowed and Susan was with our mums, I would be with Lucy. We'd talk about nonsense mostly because her vocabulary wasn't big yet and I'd tell her stories of princesses and talking animals and fairy tales. She loved when I told her stories like that before my family and I had to move. She would be around ten or eleven right now.

     Just thinking about them put a smile on my face, they were my true friends, my only friends, but that was seven years ago. I'm sure they've all changed and even forgot about me, especially since we were all so young.

My mother and I finally arrived at the train station, having around fifteen minutes before the train leaves at half past one. I looked around to see kids like myself huddled close to their mother's embrace, some just tots like the Pevensies and I several years ago. It made me sad, so little of a life they've lived only to now be in this horror of an experience. Being ripped away from their mother so young, it's just not right.

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