Chapter 3

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The next morning I woke up to bright and sunny skies and the birds chirping.

     Wrong. It was dark, cold, and there was loud pounding of raindrops against my window. I grumbled as I sat up and wiped my eyes. Pushing my hair behind and away from my face, I tossed my legs onto the ground and cringed as my toes hit the cold hardwood. 

     Then I remembered where I was. I wasn't at home, I didn't have school today. I was in the countryside, living with the professor, and the maid, and the Pevensies. It's been so long since I've been with the Pevensies, they've obviously all changed in appearance as we were now turning into adolescents. Peter, my best friend, was actually kinda cute with his blonde hair and blue eyes...

     After my deep concentration broke, I shook my head and pushed myself up from the bed. I took off my nightgown and changed into a black skirt and a long white sleeve button up, and since it was cold I decided to throw on a grey sweater. Pulling on socks and shoes I quietly left my room and decided to look for the kitchen. 

     It was quiet throughout the house, almost as if there was only me living here. A grandfather clock chimed down the dark brown hall with the illumination of the sunlight from a window here and there, I looked and barely collected that it read only six. I was always known to be a early riser. Shaking my head I continued down the hall. I made my way  to the stairs into the main room at the front of the mansion. I looked around, this place was eerily creepy when no one else is around. The sound of light cluttering of a tea cup being placed on its saucer caught my attention, someone was awake. 

     I walked to where the sound was coming from and found myself in the kitchen. There sitting was an old man with a white beard and spectacles sipping on some tea and reading the paper. He seemed to know of my presence by the door because he glanced up and placed his tea down on its saucer.

     "Why, good morning, Miss." He happily greeted while standing up and heading over to the counter where a tea kettle was, "Care for some tea?" He offered.

     "Good morning, and yes please." I shyly replied while walking up and sitting at the table. 

     "You must be one of my new guests." He stated while pouring me a cup.  

     "Thank you." I say while he hands me the cup, "And yes, I'm Elizabeth Kane, you must be the professor?" 

     He froze as he heard my name, having a mystical look in his eye. Like he knew something that I didn't. Hmm it's probably just my imagination. Then it was like he broke from a trance, shaking his head and grunting. 

     "Ah yes, Digory Kirke. A pleasure to meet you Ms. Kane." He said while offering me some cream. I nodded and he started to pour, I lifted my hand telling him that was enough and he pulled away. I stirred my tea and took a sip as silence became of the two of us, having Professor Kirke continuing to read his paper as he sat down. 

     Not only a moment after, light footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and Mrs. Macready walked into the kitchen, she froze at the sight before her. 

     "Good morning Professor, I hope this child wasn't a bother to your morning." She apologized, yet how rude of her to speak so lowly of me. I glared into my tea as I took another sip. 

     "It's alright Mrs. Macready, Ms. Kane here was quite a delight to meet." Professor Kirke stated while smiling at me, giving a small wink. I gave him a small smile back and we continued our activities.

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