Chapter 9

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​I was lying on my cot enjoying the feeling of rest. These past few days have been nonstop walking, running, stressing and any other non-healthy feeling towards me and the others. It was nice to finally lay down, and the numbing feeling on my legs were fading away into a soreness. If I wasn't in shape before then I sure was now.

     The land had finally warmed up, and the fact that I was laying down was making me drowsy, a few minutes of sleep wouldn't hurt would it?

     I had barely shut my eyes before a young girl came running into my tent with a huge grin on her face. I sat up abruptly at her entrance, and stared shocked at her.

     "Supper's ready." Lucy had said before quickly skipping out. I scrunched my brows at her character. What was up with her?

     I nodded and got up anyway, following after her to the same little pond we had been to earlier with Susan. There was now a little table placed there full of fruits and toast with some chalices. I was even more shocked when I spotted an Edmund here stuffing his face with toast. ​

     "Edmund?" I sighed with a small smile.

     He gazed up towards me and smiled as best he could with a mouth full. Swallowing and standing up, he approached me and gave me a tight hug, it was one shock after another. I don't think I've ever seen Ed so affectionate. I hugged him anyways, relieved that he was back, and mainly unharmed too.

     Pulling away, I playfully punched him lightly on his arm. He had chuckled and returned the action. Both smiling, he returned to his seat and continued to stuff his face while I placed myself between him and Susan, the eldest was missing.

     "Narnia's not going to run out of toast, Ed." Lucy told him, he swallowed and smiled sheepishly.

​     "I'm sure they'll pack something up for the journey back." Peter had spoken. He was standing by the rock a few yards back. His arms were crossed and he looked at all of us with seriousness.

     "We're going home?" Susan asked confusingly.

     "You are." Peter answered before walking to join us. He sat himself in between Edmund and myself. I'm assuming that he was referring to all of us returning back, but at this point I wasn't really thinking of returning, nor of home at all...

​      "I promised Mum I'd keep you three safe." Peter continued.

     "So then why do I have to leave?" I asked. Peter glared at me, and it looked like he wasn't going to argue about it either.

     "Because I'm the oldest and it's my responsibility to keep ALL of you safe. But it doesn't mean I can't stay behind and help."

​      "But they need us..." Lucy exclaimed, "... all five of us."

     "Lucy it's too dangerous." Peter argued, "You and Lizzie almost drowned! Edmund was almost killed!"

     "Which is why we have to stay." Edmund exclaimed, and we all placed our attention towards him.

     "I've seen what the White Witch can do. And I've helped her do it. And we can't leave these people behind to suffer for it." Edmund confidently suggested. Lucy had placed her hand on his, comforting the boy.

​      "I suppose that's it then." Susan said while getting up, we all looked at her puzzled.

     "Where are you going?" Peter asked her. Susan picked up her bow and arrows.

     "To get some practice." She smiled. I smiled with her, happy that she was finally beginning to accept this place and that they need our help. She had the right thoughts, though. If we are to go into battle, then we'll need to at least know how to use our weapons.

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