Chapter 7

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The car roars to life and Troye rears off, his tracks blasting on the stereo. He sings along in perfect pitch while I wiggle around in the passenger seat as a sad excuse for dancing. Although he's dancing and singing, his eyes are locked on the road. I felt safe. 

"Troye. . ." I begin. He grabs my hand and brings it close to his lips, brushing them lightly over the back of my palm. He kisses it gently, turns down the stereo and lays our hands down on the middle console. 

"Yes?" He inquires. 

"I love you. And it's almost October. That means it's almost time to see my family. Would you like to come?" 

"Of course." He smiles and takes a smooth left into a small pavilion where a bunch of other kids sat. He introduces me to one or two. Suddenly, Troye stands on one of the metal tables and clears his throat. "Excuse me!" He calls out. "I have a gift to give to my girlfriend, Ms. Kellie over here, and it's this." He gets down off the table and pulls me up. His hand grabs my lovehandles and leans me over. He kisses me so sweetly, I have to let a soft sigh release from my mouth. Though, he doesn't take it too far. Never once does he shove his tongue down my throat or grab any part of me. It was literally like the ones you see in sappy 80's movies where the guy always gets the girl and the friend who stole the guy apoligizes and shit like that. But, it was perfect. Even if it was standing on the top of a metal picnic table. 

"Troye? What is this?" A girl asks. 

"Em. This is an official wake up call. I don't love you and never have. I never will. I love..." He points a long finger at me. "Her. The most radiant, beautiful girl I've ever seen. She walks into a room and literally the entire room smiles. She can make anyone laugh with a single phrase. She can make anyone cry with her writing. She was valedictorian back in Colorado. First in her class. I love her to death and would gladly jump in front of a speeding car for her. She's my best friend and my soulmate." He pokes 'Em' in the chest, just above her false Double D's that I could easily see were stuffed. He extensions we easy to see as well. I wondered if she knew how rediculous she looked. 

"Troye?" I called. He turn is head. I ran to him and cupped my hands around his cheeks. Almost instantaniously, I feel hands around my size 7 waist and a pressure of him pulling me closer. I hear a sob next to me and footsteps that gradually decrescendoed as time passed. Suddenly, there was clapping. I stopped and looked around to see that everyone in the pavilion was clapping. For me! "What? Why are you clapping?" I asked in awe. 

"Because. Emily Gerardo got a taste of her own fucking medicine. She's played every single one of us. Didn't you notice you and Emily were the only females here? And you. You just...gave it to her. Shoved it right down her powdered throat." Troye and the male exchanged a high five. 

"You brought me here to get...revenge? Troye!" 

"Listen. I brought you here because people like Em deserve it. She threatened me after I wouldn't have sex with her. She sent me death threats on Tumblr and video responses on Youtube with just her looking down and crying. She really needed this wake up call." All of the other boys chatter with agreement. 

"But how did she play you guys?" Each of the boys shares their stories with Em. Each more horrific than the next. The last boy, who happened to be in a wheelchair, told his. 

"You see, just a few months ago, I was a champion rugby player. I had scholarships to many colleges, including one in London, which was the one I was planning on accepting. She saw me play and then showered me with compliments. I found her irresistable. Soon, she was on my arm. We loved each other. Dated for almost 7 months. And suddenly, she found my plans to go to London and planned to meet me one night shortly after that. She found a way to crush my legs under a car. I'm paralyzed. And my rugby career is gone." 

"That's Daniel. He's one of my best friends." Troye adds. I get a few of the boys' numbers. And Troye grabs me by the hand and leads me to the van. He hugs me before he steps in. 

"I meant everything I said." He whispers so quietly it's nearly silent. I'm silent too. 

"I know." I finally choke out. He pecks my lips and getures for me to get in. I do and he takes off before I have time to put on my seatbelt. I laugh and he does too. He makes a sharp right and then another onto a highway and we're gone. 

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