Chapter 5

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After a long week of homework, essays, and tests, I was done. I was ready to go on this double date that Troye and I and Tay and Niall were going on. We were going out to dinner at a small diner on the edge of Perth. Troye was picking me and Tay up and we were all picking Niall up. Troye's parents had called me Thursday night and told me that I was welcome here anytime and that I could stay here anytime. They even offered to have me stay here this weekend, which I was. Sage really took a liking to me and Tyde said he did too. Steele still has not spoken about me. In fact, I don't think Steele has spoken about anybody except Bethany. 

Rachel and I are still sorting the thousands of CD's that the station has. We ended up finding a ton of pop punk CD's that we gave to Matt, although we through in a few pop CD's and one 80's CD so Matt wouldn't tell us to be more diverse. I was currently enjoying myself in Australia and I honestly didn't want to live back home. There were also some things I didn't enjoy about this place. One of which is that I believe that everything that crawls in the God damned country is out to kill me. I have encountered cochroaches in our dorm and a ton of other huge bugs. Tay really didn't seem to care, although she's lived here her whole life. 

"Tay, where are my Van's?" I call to Tay who's curling her brunette hair in the full length mirror that we share. 

"I put them in your closet," She replies, not looking up.

"Oh," I open up my rickety closet doors to find my plain black Van's sitting on the floor. I forgot that Tay had cleaned up the dorm while I was at work the other day. I throw them on and quickly flip the switch to my straightener. As I wait for it to get hot, I throw on my eye make-up. After deciding my make-up was satifying, I run the straightener through my hair a few times. 

"Done," Tay says, dropping the iron from her hair. She bobs her curls a few times and then looks at me. She gestures for me to tell her how she looks.

"You look great, although I don't know why you're dressing up for your boyfriend of five years," I say.

"I'm not dressing up for my boyfriend, I'm dressing up for yours," 

"Oh, bite me," I say, jokingly.

"Gladly," I hear my Iphone ring and see that it's Troye. 


"I'm outside in the van," 

"Mmkay. Be out in a few Love," 

"Alright babe," I hang up and tell Tay to hurry her ass up. She grabs her ballet flats and we run out of the dorm. I have a black backpack over my shoulder containing my stuff for the weekend. I step into the front seat of the van and Troye quickly pecks my lips. 

"Hello beautiful," Troye greets. I blush.

"Alright lovebirds. Let's go get my boyfriend so I'm not the third wheel," We drive the short distance to Nialls house. Tay calls him and out comes a very handsome boy with shaggy brunette hair and green eyes. His features all seemed to fit him. He had very pale skin and also was weaing a polo shirt and skinny jeans. He climbs into the backseat with ease, quickly pecking Tay the same way Troye had to me. 

"Niall, this is Kellie and Troye," 

"Hello," He nods toward me. "Hey mate," He says directly at Troye.

"Hi," He says, grabbing my hand. I could already feel myself shaking. Being in the car with someone I've never met before freaks me out. We stop at a stoplight and Troye leans over and whispers in my ear.

"It's going to be okay. After dinner we'll go back to my house and we'll hang with Bec and Ty. I promise I won't let him hurt you," He kisses my cheek and I shiver. Even the slightest touch from him makes me crazy. We pull up to the diner and a young girl maybe 2 years younger than me seats us at a booth near the window. 

"Sam will be with you soon," She says.

"So, Troye, you're a youtuber?" Niall says.

"Yes and a very popular one at that," He replies, still holding my hand under the table. 

"That's cool," Tay replies.

"Hey, um, Tay, can I ask you something?" Niall says, nervously. 

"Sure," She says. 

"I'd like to move in together," Tay looks like she's in complete shock.

"Yes!" She says, kissing him slowly. Troye and I look at each other and laugh. 

"So Tay, I'm here 2 weeks and you leave me," 

"Sorry Kel. Weekly dinner?"

"You're on," Dinner went very succesfully. I didn't die of panic and Tay and Niall didn't fuck each other on the table. We drop Tay and Niall off at the school and they'll go and walk somewhere. Troye takes me back to his house and his mother greets us at the door. 

"Hi Kellie!" She says, pulling me into a hug. I hug her back. Sage walks into the room and runs up to me and gives me a hug too. Tyde also walks in and says hi. 

"Tyde, Sage! Wanna come play a board game with us?" 

"Yeah," They say in unison. We go down to his bedroom and he pulls Monopoly from a shelf. He sets it down on the floor and grabs each of us a soda. Sage immediately picks up the iron. Tyde the car and Troye the thimble. I pick the little puppy in a hand bag. We play until about midnight. It took all my strength not to lunge across the floor and beat Sage to a pulp because I landed on her fully equipped space. She belly laughs loudly. 

"I"m tired," Tyde says. "I'm going to bed," He stands up, ruffles my hair, fist bumps Troye and leaves. I smooth my hair as Sage stands up and hugs me. 

"Welcome to the family," She whispers in my ear. I step into my pajama pants and a t-shirt. Troye does the same. 

"Come here babe," He grabs my waist and the middle of my back and dips me. He kisses my lips, I wrap my arms around his neck. He lays me gently on the floor and we just kiss for a few minutes. We explore each others bodies. He rubs his hands against my bare stomach under my t-shirt and I touch his cheeks. He pecks my lips one more time. 

"Kiss me like you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved, you wanna be loved," He sings. I smile and peck his lips one last time. 

He climbs into bed and I climb in next to him. We browse each other's Tumblr's for a while. My 100 followers is nothing to his thousands. I was one of them. He closes his laptop and lays down.

"I think we should sleep," He says. He kisses my neck, even leaving a small mark. I kiss his nose and his lips.

"Sounds good," I say. 

"You know, I don't know why you're so intriguing to me, but you are. You just are so perfect to me. I mean, you're beautiful, you're smart beyond belief, and you're sweet as fuck. I'm just Troye," He says.

"You know, I don't know why you think that about yourself. You're just a perfect human being. I can't say anything more, anything less," He pecks my lips. I feel him smile beneath them. I curl up against his chest and his hands find my hips. Our breathing slows and we fall into a deep sleep, our heartbeats beating as one. 

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