Council Meeting, Updates on the War, and Aether Dressed as a Girl.

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I sat in the Primordial Council room, picking my nails with my knife while waiting for Chaos.



I snapped back to attention when Chaos yelled my name.
"Sorry." I muttered. "Zoned out."
Gaea huffed, "When I do that Chaos gets mad." she whispered under her breath.
"Well Gaea, unlike you I wasn't such an idiot to attack my own domain. Especially when it was still Chaos' favourite planet."
"Well if I was you the sh*t on a stick wouldn't even be able to do that to me."
"His name is roasted dumb*ss today. And of course he wouldn't be able to, because everyone would already hate you. Please, someone get Gaea some ice to apply to her burn." I z snapped sassily. Gaea most likely couldn't think of a way to answer so she just narrowed her eyes at me. I smirked.

"...Anyway. Updates?" Chaos asked us all.
"I'm currently helping Gaea get the giants out of my domain." Tartarus told the council.
"Nyx and I are working on filling the sky with darkness thick enough to block out the sun, moon and stars to freak out the mortals and them. Also to weaken Artemis and Apollo." Erebus made a little play with motions as he talked.
"I've been increasing the mental strain the sky will hold on Zeus, weakening him drastically." Ouranus casually picked his nails, like it was the easiest thing ever.

Ouranus is honestly really big headed, though not as much as Zeus. I know what it's like to increase mental strain to anyone who may have even slight power over your domain. It's one of the hardest things to do. I only know that because just after the previous meeting I had a run in with "Mr.Bowtie" and his blue box.

I was snapped back to reality when Aether starting giving his report.
"Well I've been collecting some demigods who didn't know about their parentage yet, and recruited them into an army I've been creating."
Aether flushed in embarrassment. "10."

I then starting my report, saving Aether from having to say anything else.
"Well. I've assassinated male Grace and Allerano, sent Athena to the void. (From my understanding the void's where immortals go when they fade or in Athena's case get their heads chopped off) alerted both camps too the war. Also I hypnotized McLean to be a spy, blessed her so she can flash to us if needed. Convinced female Grace to join us, her job is to spy on the hunters. Though I'm a little suspicious of her, she caved easily. So don't give vital information or attack plans to her. Then finally, Chaos you know this, commanded the Earth division of the Chaotic to be on standby if any of us call, signal, message, etc." I summed up, leaning backwards sending a smug glance to Mr.BigHead. Ouranus huffed, crossing his arms.

"Great job all of you!" Chaos clapped his hands together, sending a glance at Aether. "Though, Aether if you don't mind could you maybe work on something with someone. Your... army doesn't seem like much."
"Yeah, it's fine." Aether scratched the back of his neck. "It wasn't going anywhere anyways..."
"I might need help with something I have in mind, Aether." I speak up, thinking of one of the plans I had though up yesterday.
"Yeah, I'll explain it later."
"Anyways, meeting dismissed." Chaos flashed out of the room. Nyx, Erebus, Gaea, Tartarus, and Ouranus all took it as their cue and also flashed out, going who knows where.

"So, what do you have in mind Omega?" Aether stepped closer to me, it would've been uncomfortable talking from opposite side of the room if he didn't.

I grinned.

---time skip---

"Why do I have to be a girl?" Aether whined as we flashed to a forest. He currently a girl, wearing one of those cute little pink skirt overall things.
"Oh, you don't have to. I just wanted blackmail. I have photos." I grinned at Aether.
"Fuck you." I laughed at his response. Aether then snapped his fingers and turned into a ten year-old boy, instead of girl.

"So, fake name?" I asked Aether as my laughing fit stopped.
"I guess I can be Alex Jones."
"Say, why am I doing this again?" Aether asked me, his voice cracking. Oh the pains of puberty, I remember those times.
"Well, you're going to be a spy obviously. McLean will most likely be alternating camps, before she was hypnotized she made a vow that if Jason ever died she would complete the honoring the gods thing that Grace started. So because of that you'll be the permanent spy here in Camp Half-Blood. Now I just need to get a spy for Camp Jupiter."

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