Fleeing Royalty

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"Come on Octavia!" Roan yelled at his sister. They had both been assigned the job of checking how the temple and the latest pyramid were going.
"Coming," the younger child mumbled, fiddling with her hands. She was still scared over what she had discovered. And the fact that Roan didn't know.

"Are you alright?" Roan asked her sincerely as they were riding towards the pyramids. Octavia had taken a chariot, which was very unusual for her.
"Fine," she said, "why do you ask?"
"You're in a chariot," he said.
Octavia looked down.
"Oh," she hadn't even realised.
"Well look, I've got to oversee what's going on here in the temples, so just wait with me while I do this and then we can talk," Roan smiled at his little sister.
Octavia nodded.

As they approached the slaves, it was like Octavia had never seen them before. Her eyes had been opened and she now saw the pain and suffering that faced her people in Egypt. She saw, no she felt, the sting of the whips lashing down upon their backs. Octavia looked at Roan, thinking he would stop it, but her brother didn't even bat an eyelid. His eyes hadn't been opened as Octavia's had.

"Help me!" Octavia turned her head to an old man crying out as an Egyptian repeatedly bought his whip down upon their back. With every lash of the leather, Octavia felt it burning into her skin. She tried to look away, tried to unhear the screams, unsee the whip. She turned her attention back to Roan and the pyramids. But she couldn't. She heard the man yell in agony again.

Finally the Egyptian man stopped and walked away. So Octavia looked this way and that and grabbed a knife from Roan's pack and set off after the Egyptian. When nobody was looking, she dug the knife into the heart of the Egyptian and buried him in the sand alongside the murder weapon. She quickly hurried back to Roan, and nobody had noticed she'd left.

Days later, Octavia went on a walk and saw in her sight two Arkadians fighting each other in Goshen, the land in Egypt that God had given to Joseph, his people and his descendants.
"Hey, why are you fighting each other?" she ran up to them both. They both turned and stopped fighting.
"Who made you a prince and a judge over us?" One said. "Do you intend to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?"
Octavia froze. She thought nobody had noticed, but apparently everyone in Goshen knew. Panicking, she fled back to the palace.

The next morning, she awoke to her mother shaking her, tears in her eyes.
"Mom?" Octavia rubbed her eyes as her mother came into focus.
"You killed an Egyptian," Ontari whispered. "Octavia, Pharaoh wants you dead. Roan's going to sneak you out, but you must leave Egypt immediately. I'm so sorry my little princess," she started to cry.
Octavia was shocked. Everyone knew.
"Mother, I'm ready," Roan came rushing in.
"May we meet again," Ontari burst into tears, and wrapped a gold necklace round her neck.
Octavia nodded and engulfed her mother into a hug. She might not have been her birth mother, but Ontari had raised her and loved her, and Octavia would be forever grateful for that.

They couldn't take a horse, or go anywhere obvious to help Octavia escape Egypt. They went through all the back areas

Octavia walked for days in the desert. On the fourth day, she came across a town. She saw a well and was so grateful, for she had not had a drink in a long time. She plunged her face into the well and started drinking hurriedly.

"I mean, you can keep drinking from the well if you like, but we have boiled water inside," a girl approached Octavia. Octavia looked up to see it was the girl that had been handed to Roan just a few days prior.
"It's you," Octavia whispered.
"I'm Lexa," she laughed. "And you're Octavia I presume."
Octavia nodded.
"Well, it is the Trikru thing to do to allow you safe passage, so come inside," Lexa helped Octavia to her feet and started walking inside. "You look a mess."
"It's been a long couple of days," Octavia sighed. "I got kicked out my kingdom..."
"Why?" Lexa asked, though she didn't sound at all surprised.
"I killed a man who was hurting an Arkadian," she mumbled.
Lexa smiled. "You know, that's nothing to be ashamed of, Octavia. The people who banished you are at fault. I'm leader of my people here, and I'm offering you a home here in Tondc."

Octavia was shocked. She was being offered a home! Maybe she was really being offered a new chance at life...

I'll update again when I can!

twitter: ravensregina

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